chapter 6

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You quickly pulled away, "What do you mean?" he looked into your eyes. His voice got quiet, "That night... You texted me saying that Drake was a jackass and that you needed to tell me something." you backed up to the wall and leaned against it, "Oh... Right... Y-yea. Ya know it's really not important..."

Tadashi's POV
"Oh.. Okay..." I was hoping that she would say something different like 'Im in love with you...' That's just wishful thinking though. "So Aunt Cass said that you came here every night... What did you do?" her mouth smiled but her eyes with filled with sorrow, "The nurse said if I tried talking to you that you might feel better so I did that... Oh and I made the second water glove!" she ran over to the nightstand by my hospital bed, picked up with the right and left set and put them on, "Wow, was I really in a coma for that long." she tensed up...


"What?" her eyes started to water up. Anyone could tell that she was holding back tears, "We said asleep instead of coma... It just was more... More reassuring..." I walked over and grabbed her hands and attempted to change the subject. "So does it work, the right hand glove I mean..." She nodded, pulled her hands away and put the gloves back on the counter.

What is wrong with her, I mean she's just acting so distant. "(y/n)... What's wrong." I said trying to not yell. She sat down in the chair, "I just... I thought you were gone... F- forever.." I sat down next to her, "That doesn't mean that you have to act so distant." she threw her hands up in the air and stood up, "Well you know what! I'm in shock right now, I had finally decided to tell you that I love you and you end up in a coma, if that isn't a sign then I don't know what is!!" I stood there in shock... She-she loved me. She instantly threw her hands over her mouth and started walking towards the door.

"(y/n) wait,"

Too late... I tried to get up but my back was killing me... But why? Hiro walked in, "Hey what just happened (y/n) looked pretty upset." Hiro would just make this situation worse so I decided not to tell him, "She said she had a crapload of homework to do other then tha... AHHH!" I grabbed onto my back, Hiro ran over and held his hands up, "What's wrong?!" he said. I looked at him and replied, "Can you check my back it's killing me?" he nodded and walked to the other side.


"What is it Hiro?"

"Y-your back... It's..."

I heard the sound of a picture being taken. He handed me his phone and I looked at the picture... Scars... The fire... It- It was all over... 

"Oh god..."


Okay the next chapter is where they get together so... Yeah hang in there.

Tadashi x Reader: TO BURNWhere stories live. Discover now