chapter 5

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Hoped you liked that last one, please let me know what you think of this story.


Night #2...

You sat in the chair next to his hospital bed. You told Aunt Cass and Hiro to go home and sleep an hour ago. Hiro was really pissed at you earlier but you two made up. You looked at tadashi. He looked... Dead...


You looked up at the monitor. Still a heartbeat.


"You should really get some sleep." the nurse that had been taking care of Tadashi had come in to check on him. You looked down at the blanket that was resting on your lap, "Is he in a coma?" the nurse stood at the edge of his bed and picked up the clipboard, "Well we aren't sure yet but it is a possibility..." you played with the watch he gave you almost a year ago. "What can I do, to make him feel better or help him wake up?"


She put a hand on your shoulder, "In most cases when the family or loved ones of the patient just talk to them the results end well..." She walked out of the door.


Thanksgiving night...

Alex. The nurses name was Alex. She was about 2 years older than you. She was really smart too, and pretty wise for her age. You walked down the long hallway and into room 622. Tadashi was still "asleep". Aunt Cass didn't like the word coma so everyone just said that he was "asleep". You noticed that Alex was there checking his vitals. "So how many times did Cass invite you to Thanksgiving?" she laughed and said, "Three in total, but she dropped many hints." you reached in your bag and pulled out a brown bag, "Well here's some leftover pie. Cass insisted that I offer." She smiled and took the bag, "Well thank you, now I'll have a snack to eat during my break." you smiled and walked over to Tadashi and put your hand on his. Before Alex walked out the door she grabbed the handle, "I'm going to let you two talk." and then closed the door.

You came everyday and just told him about your day. You figured he'd want to stay caught up.

"So you missed a great Thanksgiving dinner. Oh I brought you some!" you reached back into your bag and put another brown baggie on his nightstand, "You know, just in case you feel like waking up..." you played with your golden watch again. You found yourself messing around with it whenever you were thinking about him. "If you were up you would tell me to stop sitting here, to go out and live my life... We all miss you Dashi... p-please... Just. Please come back."


Alex's POV:
"So she comes here everyday and just sits there?" one of the men that was Alex's friend and also a nurse asked the doctor. She replied, "Yea, it's a bit crazy, but I guess they were really close." the nurse nodded his head, "I bet they were banging..." Alex spoke up, "Is that all you can ever think about, isn't it obvious. She clearly has strong feelings for him, isn't that enough of a reason." Alex stormed away.


One month later...

You let the warm water wash over your face and cleanse your body. Would he ever wake up... Will you ever be able to ever love anyone other than him... No lets say really really really really like... Again, love is a strong word...

You got out of the shower and wrapped the towel around yourself. You picked up your phone.

24 text notifications

24? That's a lot of texts... You opened it and found yourself to only focus on one text...

Aunt Cass 

He's awake.


"Tadashi!" you ran over to him and hugged him almost knocking him over. He was wearing a band around his knee, but he could still walk, "It's nice to see you too." he dug his face in between your neck and shoulder. You two heard Hiro awkwardly say, "Well we are all going to... D-do something..." They all walked out to let you two catch up. Tadashi pulled away and sat on the hospital bed, "So what did you want to tell me?"


I really don't think anyone is reading this but to be honest I don't care, it's here if you want to read it, if not then bye!

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