chapter 2

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Ok lets get this party started!

Also I don't know what the date of the showcase is for Hiro's presentation is so I am going to make it November 21 because why not.


Tadashi and you were laying on the couch in Aunt Cass' apartment. You were resting your feet on top of tadashi's lap. He was studying for the history of technology project that both of you had in two days. Yes, that is how much a dork he is, but you loved.... No no no, really liked how he would study like that. It was kinda cute. You read your favorite book cause your phone was plugged into the wall. You loved reading and the occasional visit to barnes and noble but your phone had a very important person that you were texting at the moment.

"Dashi..." you poked him with your index finger. "What?" he asked you not looking up from his note taking. "Will you please check my phone to see if anyone texted?" you said in your sweetest voice. He sighed and leaned over the couch arm and looked at your  phone, "Uh you have a text from a Drake saying, 'yea Saturday sounds great.' Wait what's going on Saturday?" You jumped off of the couch and danced around. You figured the way to get rid of this "crush" on tadashi was to go on a date with someone else.

You stopped your dance party to see Tadashi smiling at you, "I'll tell you, I have a date Saturday." you flicked your hair back (sarcastically of course). Tadashi's smile turned into a frown, "Wait, this Saturday? November 21st?!" you stared at him with a blank face, "Uh yea..." he stood up across from you and crossed his arms, "(y/n), that's Hiro's presentation day! You can't go on that date!" you slapped your head realizing your mistake.

"Shit, Tadashi I can't I've already canceled on him twice! I can't do that to him a third time!" Tadashi picked up his notes and laughed, "Fine, I'm sure Hiro will understand. But you're the one that's telling him."

You smiled and grabbed your book and phone, "Oh thank you so much Tadashi! I'll totally be there before to give him a pep-talk!" you ran over to your bag and gave tadashi a quick peck on the cheek and ran to the door. You turned around and smiled, "I'll see you tomorrow dork."

You walked through the cafe. You could've sworn you saw him blush before you closed the door. Eh probably not.



Hey so do I need to do a background check on this "Drake"?

Oh god no
Please don't Dashi

Fine I won't
Stay safe
For all I know he could be a serial killer

Well lucky for you I know that he is not

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