chapter 16

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-1 week later-

One week ago you learned something that you didn't really want to know. But, for Tadashi's sake you played along with it. You and the gang had just gone on their first encounter with the man in the kabuki mask. Everyone got away without a scratch.

Except you.

Unfortunately you were thrown by the microbots and got some bruises and a cut on your forehead. Not deep enough for stitches but deep enough for medical attention.

The gang walked into the dark garage and flipped on the lights. Everyone took off their gear and Hiro spoke up. "Okay, so we didn't exactly have a plan..." GoGo interrupted by saying, "Yea no kidding." Hiro walked up to the door leading to the house. "But, we will be ready next time." He started to open the door. Aunt Cass and Tadashi were still working in the cafe which gave you enough time to patch yourself up and come up with a good story. As we all walked in Hiro said, "And next time (y/n) won't get hurt."

Tadashi walked out of the kitchen holding a soda in his hands, "(y/n)'s hurt?! What happened? Is she okay?!" At the moment you were hidden behind Wasabi. Everyone froze and suddenly moved out of the way so Tadashi could see you. You stood there with your arms crossed as Tadashi set down his soda. You shot a glare at Hiro as he gave you a 'oops' face. Tadashi ran over to you and examined the cut on your forehead, "Are you ok? What the hell happened?!" He stared at you with the rest of the gang looking at you hoping you'd come up with a good lie.

Okay. No pressure...

"Well... Uh... After the movie, I uh... Decided to get some air... And some dude tried to grab my purse...?"

Tadashi turned to face the gang with a surprised face as you urged them to help you. Wasabi finally spoke up,

"Uh yea, but she fought back... And right when we came outside to check on her he pushed her and she scraped her head."

He looked you up and down and shook his head, "Whatever who cares what happened, let's get you fixed up." He grabbed your hand and pulled you upstairs. He set you on the bathroom counter and started dabbing your head with a damp cloth. You winced every time the cloth hit your face. He grabbed a band-aid and put it over the cut, as you started to get off the bathroom counter he pushed you lightly back on, closed the door, and leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, "(y/n), I want to know what happened. The truth this time."

You picked up the cloth he was dabbing your head with and played with a loose string. "I... I told you the truth... He took my purse." Tadashi took a step forward, "Okay I have known you my whole life and one; you mess around with stuff when you're lying, and two; when you left you weren't carrying a purse. So tell me what happened..."

You stared into his eyes and thought about it. You finally managed to breathe out the only thing you could say to him, "I can't tell you." You looked down and felt his body get closer to yours. He lifted your head up with two fingers. He looked into your eyes and said, "God damnit (y/n) just tell me so I can find who did this to you and..."

"No Tadashi!"

You interrupted his sentence, he stared at you in shock. You were keeping this from him to protect him. "Listen, I'm fine. Really." He nodded his head and opened the bathroom door and said, "Ok, let me take you home.


You stared at your phone.

He didn't say a word to you driving home. You waited for a call. Or text.


Finally you grabbed your phone and dialed his number.


What if he doesn't answer...


What if he's in trouble...


What if the man in the mask got him....

"Hey." You heard his tired voice on the other line and your body was filled with relief. You laid back down and spoke into the phone, "Please don't be mad Dashi." He sighed and paused, "I'm not mad (y/n). Just disappointed. We used to tell each other everything. Why can't you tell me who beat you up." You thought about telling him everything. There's no reason to keep it from him...

"I'll explain everything eventually, but can this just be my secret for right now."

You should talk to Hiro first. You didn't need both of the Hamada brothers mad at you. His voice interrupted your thoughts as he said, "Okay. Get some sleep."

He hung up. Just like that.

You put the phone and let out a sad chuckle, "Love you too..."

Sorry this chapters kinda really bad but I'm running out of ideas and I figured what kind of couples don't fight? BORING ONES that's right.

Anyways it's a bit of a stupid fight but it's something, so be grateful!

JKJK you can leave bad comments idc.


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