chapter 10

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-two week after your first date-

You and Tadashi weren't awkward as usual new couples are. Since you two were already best friends it was pretty much the same thing but a bit more intimate. Stuff like hugging, kissing, cuddling, and basically telling each other everything.

You thought about all these things as you strolled into the cafe and gave Cass a quick smile as you walked past her and up towards Hiro and Tadashi's room, it seemed like both boys were in the room today. And baymax... Was Hiro upgrading him? You listened to try and hear what Hiro was saying.

"She won't care Tadashi. You two have been best friends for years and now are dating. Why would she care?" It was pretty clear they were talking about you, but what wouldn't I care about. Tadashi's voice rose a little bit, "Hiro just please don't tell her yet... It's just kind of embarrassing." Embarrassing? Oh god you just had to know what was going on now. You gave a quick knock and said, "Hey guys it's me." And walked into the room.

"(Y/n)?" Tadashi was standing in front of his bed with baymax and Hiro next to the desk. Tadashi was standing there... Shirtless... You smirked a bit and decides to mess around with him, "Ya know Tadashi, for a nerd you have some pretty nice abs." He blushed and slowly disappeared into his little bed area not turning his back to you, "Thanks" he said. You directed your attention to Hiro and baymax and listened to Tadashi quickly scramble to put his shirt back on.

"So are you upgrading baymax? Have you considered laser vision?" You asked while putting your hands on your hips. Hiro opened his mouth to answer but before he could baymax cut him off, "No, I am attending to one of my patients at the moment." You raised and eyebrow, "Um... Patients? Is one of you sick?" You asked. Ever since Tadashi was... Asleep, you were scared him and all of your other friends health. Tadashi quickly ran out of his bed space and wrapped his arm around your waist suspiciously, "Nope, no one's sick. We are all doing great." He said. You looked up at baymax and said, "Baymax tell me the truth." Tadashi walked up to him and shook his hands, "No, no, no baymax that won't be necessary." He turned back around and gave you a smile. You raised your voice a tiny bit, "Tadashi if someone is sick or hurt you better tell me right now." Baymax blinked, "Well (y/n), Tadashi has..." Tadashi's took his and Hiro's hand and shoved them out of the room, "Okay. That's enough..." Tadashi said.

You looked up at him in confusion with a knot in your throat, Tadashi has a what? Tumor? A Cut? Third nipple? That wouldn't make sense cause you just saw him shitless and there wasn't an extra nipple. "T... Tadashi.. What do you have." Your voice was shaky. He sighed and took you over to his bed and sat you down making it look like he was going to tell you something really bad. He sat across from you and held your hands, "A scar... I have a scar..." You remembered back to the day at the hospital.

"Patient: Tadashi Hamada, age: 19. Has multiple 3rd and 2nd degree burns on back...

"On your back." He looked up at you with sadness in his eyes, "It's not a pretty sight..." He said. You touch his neck. Where you could see a bit of his scar reach out, it looked like a flame crawling towards his face. "Can you show me?" You said in your sweetest voice. He nodded and turned to face his back towards you. He started to lift his shirt up as he had his back slightly hunched over.

And there it was. It was like a bunch of flames dancing on his back, leaving a permanent mark. It was sad, but yet so beautiful at the same time. You reached out and touched it with your hand ever so slightly. "Do you... Feel anything?" You asked not wanting to hurt him as you ran your hands up his back. He shook his head, "Not as much as I used to..." You wrapped yourself around him in a protective hug and gave him a kiss on the cheek. That's when you noticed him sniffling, "Am I hurting you honey?" You asked in a sweet voice. He shook his head again, "No I was just thinking about if I was in your position, with you in a coma and me having to come everyday to talk to a pretty much dead body..." He turned around so he was facing you, "I'm so sorry I did that to you (y/n)." You pressed your forehead against his, "Don't say sorry... I forgive you. I forgave you the moment you woke up I just didn't realize it at first."

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."

So idk I think there's like two people reading this but I really don't care right now. Ok bye.

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