chapter 4

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Hehe. You all should be thanking me cause I delayed the time that Tadshi had so he wouldn't explode. Yay! Almost all the other fanfic I read was much worse than this. If you are looking to ball your eyes out this story probably isn't for you. I mean yeah I'll probably make something sad happen but people won't die left and right. Ok. Lets do this.


Your phone buzzed on the countertop behind you. Thank god! He texted back. As you were walking over to your phone it buzzed once again. Wow, this could either be really good or really bad news. You flipped the phone over.

Incoming call: Aunt Cass

You picked up the phone, "Aunt Cass! I'm guessing that Hiro made it in." she didn't replied, instead she let out a couple of sniffles. "Cass, is everything okay?"

"(y/n). Tadashi is in San Fransokyo Hospital. I think you should head down here."


You stumbled through the automatic doors, what happened? Is he okay? Is he dying? You had too many questions, but right now you were only able to ask one, "Where can I find Tadashi Hamadas room?"

The receptionist looked down at the computer with a few clicks she pulled up the room number, "I need your name to tell to his Aunt." you stared at the glass with a reflection off of the computer, floor 6 room 622. "(y/n), (l/n)" you put a hand down on the desk to steady yourself. Something about hospital just made you dizzy. Maybe the smell, the coughs of those dying, the fact that Tadashi could be one of those people...

"Ok I just need you to put on this wristband then you're good to go."

You nodded and took the wristband.


"(y/n)." You looked over to see Honey Lemon and the rest of your friends from the lab. You walked over to them and sat in the empty seat. GoGo stood on the other side of the hallway leaning against the wall, Wasabi, Fred, and Honey sat in the chairs next to you. "How is he?" Wasabi grabbed his wrist, "None of us know, they won't let us in without a wristband." you looked down at the green wristband that the receptionist gave to you. You walked to the door and stood a foot in front of it. "Should I go in?" Everyone nodded and you pushed the door open.

"Patient: Tadashi Hamada, age: 19. Has multiple 3rd and 2nd degree burns on back, broken rib, broken leg, and multiple cuts that are being properly treated." Cass noticed you standing in the corner and motioned you to come. You saw Hiro sitting at the chair next to the hospital bed holding Tadashi's hand.

His hand. It looked lifeless. A curtain was blocking you from seeing the rest of his body, "(y/n) come here please." you snapped out of your daze and walked towards Aunt Cass. You wrapped your arm over her shoulder and gave her a tight squeeze. The doctor left the nurse to check his vitals.


Hiro walked past you and grumbled, "Hope you had a nice time on your date."


The door slammed and Hiro walked outside.


You closed your eyes and let a tear fall.



Woah ok the next chapter will just be a flashback, so we can take a break from this sadness. Also the one is going to be kinda science-y and I'm going to have no idea what I am talking about so bear with me and use your imagination🌈.

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