chapter 12

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You walked into Tadashi's lab wearing your tight t-shirt that you had under your jacket earlier and wearing Tadashi's glasses. You could see blurry lines but it was good enough. He never liked wearing his glasses but everyone knew that he had them.

You leaned on the desk and looked over at him, he was in the same spot where you left him. There was no way he would turn around... Unless....

You walked up behind his stool and grabbed the bottom of it and pulled it back a bit. Tadashi sat up, still staring at baymax and sighed, "Listen I really need to work on this..." By the time he had finished his sentence you stratled his lap. He paused for a moment. "Uh... Erm... Whose glasses are those...." You bit your lip and adjusted them a bit, geez it was kinda starting to hurt your eyes... "Yours." You said as you brought your face closer to his.

He slammed his lips into yours and held your back. You rested elbows on his shoulders and played with his hair. He took off the glasses and looked into your eyes with a small smile, "What are you doing?" He gave you a quick kiss again. You pulled away and whispered, "Trying to distract you..." He kissed you, hard. His hands made their way down your back and grabbed your butt which made you squeal a bit. He lifted you up and set you on the table. He moved his lips down towards your neck, "You've always been a distraction." He said in between kisses. You moaned and ran your fingers through his hair and closed your eyes. You started to lay back when you heard someone cough by the door.

Tadashi and you both stopped in your tracks and looked over at the door. Hiro was standing there with Freds hands over his eyes. GoGo gave you a quick thumbs up and walked away while Fred took his hands off of Hiro's eyes, "You really need to be more careful with your little bro around lover boy." Hiro stood there with a look of horror on his face. Tadashi walked towards him and you jumped off the desk. "Hello?" Tadashi waved his hand in front of Hiro's face. Hiro snapped out of his daze and looked up at you, "I'm taking my offer back, you better never do it on my bed." And walked out of the room. You smiled and fixed your hair, Tadashi looked over at you confused, "Since when were we ever allowed to 'do it' on his bed?" You chuckled and walked up to him, "It's a long story..." And gave him a kiss, which deepened very quickly. Before you two could go back into your little make-out session again you pulled away, "Ok as much fun as this is you should really work on baymax." And walked towards the door. Tadashi sighed and turned towards you, "Wait you can't do that..." You turned back around and looked at him before exiting, "Finish working on baymax and come by my apartment later and we'll see what happens." You winked at him and left.

Tadashi x Reader: TO BURNWhere stories live. Discover now