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Ok so basically your character is trying to build basically a glove to bend water, (yes exactly like The Last Airbender) because come on who doesn't want to be able to do that. Just bear with me on the science part of it. And the picture above is what the project should look like.


2:59 a.m. Three months ago...

"Ugh tadashi this should all be making sense why isn't anything working?"

You looked down at your robotics project. In a way it looked like a piece of jewelry. There were strands of metal, one for each finger and a bracelet around your wrist. Tadashi sat up from the couch in your lab and said, "Well (y/n), you are trying to control water, it's not going to be easy." he walked over to you and put his hands on your shoulders, you felt a chill go up your spine. "I know, I'm just so tired and I want to be done." you whined at him. He massaged your shoulders and replied, "I know but you're so close you can't give up now." you both stayed in that position in silence staring at the bracelet.

"Is that supposed to be like that?" Tadashi broke the silence and pointed at a chain that was crooked. "Uh I don't think so..." you leaned down and fixed it very quickly then carefully put the "glove" on and stood up.

Tadashi stood about 2 feet behind you. You took a step forward and a deep breath in. You stared at the bucket of water. It was mocking you, even though a bucket of water couldn't do that it made your blood boil. The water in the bucket started boiling... You took a deep breath and the water stopped boiling. You had already known that it would do that. For some reason how the water reacts is directly connected to your emotions.

But you were trying to move the water. You slowly moved your hand up and down very slowly and gracefully. You and tadashi started staring in awe. It was like a piece of ribbon attached to your hand, following your every move. You had the water do a small circle around you and then put it back in the bucket. You turned it off and put it on the desk then ran to to Tadashi and hugged him.

"I did it!! We did it I CAN'T BELIEVE WE DID IT!!"

He smiled and hugged you back, "Are you kidding me (y/n) that was all you!" he noticed that you had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He was just so warm and smelled like cookies and was like a huge teddy bear...

You woke up in Tadshi's bed. You slowly got up and realised that it was still dark outside and Tadashi was about to walk our of the room, "Dashi..." you whispered hoping not to wake Hiro. He turned back around and sat on the edge of the bed, "Hey, you fell asleep so I brought you back here." you nodded your head and asked, "Can I borrow some sweats?" your eyes were half closed, you heard him rummage through his drawers and felt him grab your hand and put a pair of clothes in your hand.

"Get some sleep (y/n), you deserve it." His voice echoed through your mind as he bent down and kissed you on the head. You could feel the warmth of his face linger then pull away as be did. Once you heard the door close you got dressed and snuggled in the covers. His bed smelled like cologne... And cookies...

They surprisingly mixed nicely.

Tadashi x Reader: TO BURNWhere stories live. Discover now