chapter 7

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-One week later-

You sat in your lab room pacing back and forth. They discharged him today.... He's going to walk through that door any second and attack you with questions. Why did you let that slip... You need your best friend. If he becomes more than that then things just get complicated...

The door squeaked behind you, turning quickly you saw him standing in the doorway, "Listen (y/n)..." he said.

"Wait let me talk first." he nodded in agreement,  "I am not ready to loose my best friend or Hiro or anyone else, so can we please just act like what I said never happened" you stared at the ground trying to avoid his eyes, "No
(y/n), we can't just act like it didn't happen! Lets at least talk about it. Please." he still stood by the door which was now closed, you looked up into his eyes, "Fine you want to talk about it, I decided to tell you I love you and then you end up in a freaking coma! Then I come every single day and talk to you for two months Dashi, two months!! And then the one day I decide not to visit you and actually do my homework, you wake up! And I know that you couldn't decide when you were going to wake up but... It just..." you slowed down and closed your eyes. "Pause..." you opened your eyes to see his confused face, "What?" he asked, "Just please be my best friend right now, not the guy I just confessed my love to..." he walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you.

"I know I'm overreacting... But it hurts Dashi." you let a couple of tears fall. He replied and let his hand run in circles on your back, "No you aren't... I'm in love you too by the way..." you pulled back and gave him a quick smile, "What happened to being my friend at the moment?" you said. "Unpause " he said.

"You can't do that."
"Yes I can."
" No"
"Well I just did."
"Oh yea, well pa..."

He interrupted you by smashing his lips into yours. You kissed him back and ran your hands through his hair. He grabbed your lower back and pulled you closer. You rested your arms on his shoulders, and heard Freds voice whisper outside.

"Do you think they're making out?"

"Shhhhh they might hear us." you could clearly tell that was Wasabi. You pulled away and looked over at the window not moving from your position, Tadashi looked over too. All of a sudden GoGo spoke up with a sarcastic voice.

"Well if you want to know so badly Fred then why don't you look."

"Ok!" Fred tapped on the glass and froze, seeing that you two were staring at him and the rest of the gang behind him. He tapped on the glass letting it fade back to blue.

"I think they say us."

"Awww they were hugging that is so cute." Honey's voice chimed in as you and Dashi opened your lab door, "Really guys, can I not have one conversation with (y/n) with out you guys breathing down my neck!" you smiled and held back your laughter. Hiro spoke up, "Sorry Dashi..." before Tadashi could yell at them more you butted in,

"It's fine, we'll take later Dashi."

You had the biggest grin on your face and you couldn't figure out why, "Ok, I'll come by your place later... I-if that's okay." you looked into his eyes, "That's fine." and gave him one last grin before walking back into you lab while Honey and GoGo quickly followed.

Tadashi x Reader: TO BURNWhere stories live. Discover now