chapter 18

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The team walked down the long hall on the apparently toxic island. You could feel Tadashi standing right behind you. While the others were talking you whispered to him, "Dashi, I can feel you breathing on my neck..." But instead of backing up he wrapped his arms around your waist and whispered back into your ear, "I'm sorry is it bothering you?" In a sarcastic tone. You giggled and rested your hands on top of his. Honey Lemon ended your moment by standing in a doorway and saying, "Uh, guys.."

You all walked into the room to find two weird circle looking thingys. As everyone was marveling at the big circles you noticed a control room and headed over there. You pressed play on the computer and stares onto the screen. "Guys come over here quickly." You yelled while pausing and rewinding the video. While they were heading over you hooked the computer to your suit to download everything. There's no such thing as being too careful...

-after watching the video-

"Wow" you heard Tadashi say once the video ended. You unplugged your drive and leaned against another control panel to stare at the portal things. Everyone started arguing when you saw a boulder rise up from the debris. "Shit, guys!" You yelled before the boulder was hurled towards everyone. Hiro screamed, "Baymax!" Who jumped in front of everyone while Tadashi lunged towards you. You felt a sharp pain against your head before the world went black.

You woke up seeing Tadashi leaning over you, "Oh (y/n)! Thank god you're all right. Come on I think they got his mask." He helped you up and wrapped his arm around your waist. You could walk perfectly fine but it was nice to have him close by. As you approached the man paying on the floor you heard Hiro say, "It's over Krei." The man turned towards the team to reveal his face. Wasabi gasped and said, "Professor Callaghan?"

Tadashi's grip tightened on your waist before letting go and walking towards him. "You tried to kill me!" Callaghan stumbled backwards and said, "It was your fault for following me in there, I didn't ask you to save me." Callaghans gaze quickly went down to Tadashi's hands. You looked down towards them and saw what he was staring at.

Tadashi's hands were on fire.

Like actual fire.

Ok cliffhanger. It'll be a while before I post again, not too long I promise. I think I might actually go back and fix somethings and make the story look cleaner. Also I've kind of run out of ideas for the Chris Evans one I started so I might just let that one go and start over. All righty so now you've been updated. Bye.

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