chapter 19

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Callaghans gaze quickly went down to Tadashi's hands. You looked down towards them and saw what he was staring at.

Tadashi's hands were on fire.

Like actual fire.

"Tadashi..." Fred managed to squeak out. His whole body was now surrounded by the flames. Callaghan stood completely still, "Tadashi... H... How-" before he could finish his sentence Tadashi yelled, "You did this to me! Look what you did to me!" Tadashi took another step closer, the flames rising higher. Hiro stood in front of baymax and said, "Tadashi! Stop, remember what happened last time."

You, who was still standing perfectly still whipped your head to look over at Hiro, "You knew about this?!" Tadashi didn't waste anymore time, he sprung forward at Callaghan who desperately tried to get away. You grabbed the mask and started to run after them, but they were nowhere to be found. You felt a cold hand grab your wrist. The hand, which belonged to Callaghan, pulled your hand up and grabbed the mask. As he put it on he put a knife up to your neck and faced the team.

Everyone froze. Tadashi, who's flames have died down a bit now looked at you with worry and the rest of the team stood behind him. You felt the microbots creep up your leg before you and Callaghan rose up through a hole in the ceiling. You heard Callaghan murmur, "I'm so sorry (y/n)" before he let go of your arm and let you plummet towards the ground.

You watched as baymax shot up and caught you, bringing you slowly back to the floor. You walked towards Tadashi who was curled up into a ball, "Tadashi?" You went to go and touch his back but he shot up and backed away from. His body became engulfed by the flames once again. "You... You guys have to get out of here." The flames grew higher and everyone backed up, except you. "Tadashi I don't know what's going on but everything will be okay, trust me" the flames didn't stop though, they just kept growing. Hiro grabbed your hand and pulled you away from him while saying, "(y/n)! We have to leave now!" Everyone else was piled onto baymax ready to leave. You resisted his grip and pleaded, "No i need to stay here!"

A burst of fire ejected from his body and you shielded yourself with your hands. The rest of your body had a suit on but your hands had a thin layer of metal chains that you use to control water. You felt a wave of pain on your hands. You looked down at them and saw you hands burnt a light red. Baymax then came up behind you and grabbed your waist before boosting out of the warehouse, you made water from the ocean come up to cover your hands while yelling at them to put you back down. You almost got back to the mainland when you looked back at the island and watched it explode.

Hey so I think I'm going to do maybe 2 more chapters of this book then add a sequel. Sorry it took so long to update. Also if I have misspelled any words at all please correct me, I will not take offense to it. Thanks!

Tadashi x Reader: TO BURNWhere stories live. Discover now