chapter 8

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"OH MY GOD IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING!" Honey Lemon screamed making the room shake, "Shush up Honey it was just one kiss..." you said then quickly remembering that they had not seen you kiss him.... "Shit..." you murmured under your breath. Honey took a deep breath and got ready to squeal like a 5 year old girl. GoGo quickly realised what was going on and threw her hand over Honeys mouth before she could, "So are you guys together?" GoGo asked as Honey took her hand off of her mouth. You replied with a huge goofy smile on your face,

"I don't know, why am I smiling like this?!" Honey laughed and put her hand on your shoulder, "Probably because it was a good kiss." you thought back to it. Oh god you just wanted to kiss him again. And run your hand through his hair again. And...
"(y/n)?!" GoGo snapped in front of your face, "Aww she's thinking about him!!" Honey blurted out. Your face turned pink, "Can we not talk about this right now, lets just get something to eat." The girls giggled and walked out behind you.

-later that night-

You heard a knock on your door. You stood up and fixed your hair and, "Come in!" you yelled in your sweetest voice. Tadashi walked in and shut the door behind him, "Hi..." you smiled at him waiting for a reply, "Hi." you two usually weren't this awkward but... Well.. He walked over to you and grabbed your hands, "Listen (y/n), I want a real relationship with you, so can we please give this a try?" you stared at his lips longing to kiss them. Moments went by without you even noticing. "(Y/n)?", you pulled his neck in and gave him a deep passionate kiss standing on your tip toes just to reach him. After what seemed like forever you pulled away for air.

"So I'm guessing that's a yes?"

"No I just felt like kissing you." (sarcasm if you didn't notice)

"Okay I guess I'm fine with that."

He pulled you back into a kiss and pulled you closer.

Yay! Words! Next chapter will be awkwardness and fluff so more yay I guess!

Comment on stuff and give feedback because I really don't know if anyone likes this or not. If no one likes it I'll stop working on it cause school😒.

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