chapter 1

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In this there will be swear words because they are so much more fun to use ok. If you don't like it then just don't read it.


"Tadashi Hamada get your lazy ass up we have school in thirty minutes." you grabbed a pillow from the ground and chucked it at the lump underneath the sheets. You heard a faint groan, "Dashi. We are in college, it is 12 o'clock. Get up." you stared at the lump and heard it squeak like a five year old boy, "No."

You rolled your eyes and grabbed a sharpie from Hiro's desk. "Dashi if you don't get up I will pin you down and give you a unibrow." His head popped up like a rabbit and stared at the sharpie in your hand. His confused face slowly turned into a smile, "You wouldn't." you walked towards him and took the lid off, "Try me."

He gave you a devilish smirk and flipped the covers over his head. You jumped up on the bed and straddled the lump on the bed. "Come on Tadaaashi." you flipped the covers up and brought they sharpie closer to his face, "Don't make me do this Dashi."
With one swift move he flipped you on to the other side of the bed and got out of bed.

He put his hands up in surrender, "Ok, ok, you got me I'm up." you smirked and walked over to the office chair and sat down. You heard Tadashi rummage through his drawers and walk over to the bathroom.

You spinned the chair quickly hoping to get a glance of him without him seeing. You knew that you two were best friends and you probably shouldn't be looking at him like that. But hey, it wasn't your fault that he grew up looking hot. His big brown eyes, messy hair that you've wanted to run your hands through, and just his personality was just so kind and caring. Any girl would be more than lucky to have him. You loved him as your best friend, but part of you wanted more.

"Aw are you thinking about Tadashi? That's so cute."

A voice from behind interrupted your train of thought. Hiro had figured out your feelings for Tadashi about two months ago. You had gone to him and had a total meltdown and had accidently told him that you "loved" tadashi. But love is such a strong word, you wouldn't want to scare away Tadashi by using the wrong word. You decided it that saying, 'Hey I really really really like you more than a friend' was better.

You spinned your chair again and glanced at the younger Hamada who was walking towards his bed, "No Hiro. I was actually wondering why I saw you heading out at 1 in the morning with a hoodie on." Hiro looked at you in shock, "What? I didn't even walk past your apartment! How'd you know?!" you stood up and looked down at him, you were taller than him but not by a lot. You were right in between him and Tadashi but a bit taller than GoGo, "I didn't, you just told me." he groaned and flopped onto his bed. You chuckled and said, "Don't worry I won't tell him you went bot fighting..."

Before you could finish Tadashi's voice overpowered yours, "Hiro, you went bot fighting!" Tadashi stood in the doorway wearing black jeans and a white t-shirt under a blue blazer that he just finished buttoning up. Hiro sat up and glared at you. You gave him half of a smile, "Oops." Tadashi started lecturing Hiro yet again. You looked at your gold watch that you got from Tadashi last christmas.


"Oh shit. Dashi we have one minute to get to class." you grabbed your purse and books, grabbed his hand and pulled him away from Hiro. "Wait
(y/n)." Tadashi said in a calm voice. You grabbed his hat and book bag and hat and pushed him out the door. You looked back at Hiro and winked at him, "You can thank me later."

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