chapter 9

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Ok so yea... If you want to leave requests or something feel free. Also tell me if you like it or not. Also I watch a lot of tv shows so if you comment one and a character from it I will tell you if I watch the show or not.

Also shoutout to my first and only follower! Thanks for following it means a lot!😚


The door to your lab opened up and you saw him there, Tadashi. You instantly smiled and stood up from your office chair, leaving what you were working on. He walked up to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, "So (y/n)..." he pulled you in closer and you rested your arms on his shoulders, "I was thinking that maybe I could, um... Take you to go see a movie or something." you gave him a quick peck on the lips, "Hmm, well I'm free only all the time, so I think I could fit it into my schedule."  He smiled and pulled away heading towards the door,

"Okay tomorrow at 6:00 meet me at all the cafe." He was about ready to bounce out of the room like a five year old, "Wait a second Dashi..." He turned around with his body halfway out the door, staring at you like something was going to go wrong. You met his face with yours, inches away from each other. You leaned in and gave him a kiss. He stood up in the doorway at his normal height, towering over you. He broke it off after a couple of seconds and looked in your (e/c) eyes, "Save it for tomorrow..." He gave you a wink and walked out of the room.


You walked into the Cafe, "Oh goodness, TADASHI GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE." You heard Cass yell when you opened the door. She smiled at you and gave you a big hug, almost lifting you off the ground, "(y/n) you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this day!" You heard footsteps come down from the stairs, Cass whispered to you, "You two are meant to be I can feel it." You leaned in and whispered back with a huge goofy smile on your face,

"I feel it too." Tadashi walked towards you and Cass while saying, "Ok guys you can stop gossiping." Aunt Cass pulled her keys out from her back pocket and shook them in the air, "Ok well I have to run some chores and then go to book club so will you two watch the cafe. Hiro's at the lab and I want to make sure that we don't get robbed or something." She said while walking towards the door. Tadashi put his hand around your waist and frowned, "Uh actually (y/n) and I are supposed to be on a date..." Cass turned around before walking out and said, "Just have a night in, it'll be less expensive." She locked the door to the cafe and shut it. Tadashi sigh, giving his torso a tight squeeze you smiled up at him and said, "Ya know Tadashi, that doesn't sound bad at all.." He looked down at you and smirked,

"Oh really..."

Before you knew it you were slung over his shoulder and were staring at the ground. "Tadashi!!" You yelled and gave his back a small smack on the back. He laid you down on the couch and ran to the closet before you could get up he threw a blanket at you, knocking you back onto the couch. You untangled your way through the blanket to see Tadashi putting a movie into the DVD player and turning the lights off. You smiled and watched as he walked into the kitchen, "Ok
(y/n), what snack do you want." You opened up the blanket and gave him a pouty face,

"I don't want any, I want you to come over here and keep me warm..." He chuckled and walked over with a slight skip in his step. He laid on top of you and whispered into your ear, "There is that better?" You used  all of your strength to flip him behind you on the couch. You dug yourself into his chest never wanting to let go, you murmured into his shirt,


Okay so I will probably be posting a lot since winter break is coming up but guys, NO SCHOOL!! For two weeks, but hey I'll take it!
Tell me if you want anything- story wise like...
-requests for this story
-requests for a new story
Jk for that last one you'll have to get your lazy ass up and get it yourself. But seriously I am willing to do any type of story if I know what show or person you are talking about.

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