chapter 3

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"Hiro you are going to be great! I believe in you." You had pulled him back into his room to give him your "pep-talk" he stared up at you with big eyes, "Wait, you aren't coming?" you ruffled his hair and sat back down in the office chair, "Sorry buddy, I've got a date." he pretty much jumped five feet into the air, "You finally told Tadashi!! That's great! Now you can actually be my bigger sister! Oh my god I'm so excited, you better not do it on my bed!"

"No, no Hiro I'm going on a date with someone else. And even if Dashi and I were together why would we do it on your bed? It's filthy!"

Hiro glared at you, "You can't tell me that your in love with tadashi and then go on a date with someone else." you stood up and sat next to him on his bed, "Hiro, you are like the little brother I never had, if tadashi and I didn't work out I would hate to loose you." he kept his head down and played with his fingernails, "Yea I guess..." you pulled him into a hug to comfort him. You could hear Hiro muffle through your hair,

"If you don't go on this date I'll let you and him do it on my bed, ONCE."


"Ok, ok I'm warning you though the offer's off the table now."



You better keep me updated!!

He's walking on the stage rn gtg text me in 5 minutes

Ok ok...
Dashi this date sucks
There is no way I'm going out with this jackass again
I need to tell you something
In person though


You looked back down at your phone in disappointment. Why wouldn't he text back...

"Tadashi no!" Hiro yelled at his brother grabbing his arm. Tadashi looked at the building then back at Hiro.

You checked it again. Maybe he knew that you had feelings for him and that's why he wouldn't text you back... No that doesn't make any sense at all.... You decided to prepare a little speech.

He took his hat off and gave put it in Hiro's hand, "Callaghan's in there, someone has to help." Tadashi ran up the stairs and stopped about 3/4ths of the way and turned around. Hiro had already had lost his parents, should he loose his brother too...

You stared at the mirror in front of you. "Listen... Dashi, I like you... More than it's seems.... No, no. Uh... I have feelings for you..." you thought back to all of the times you caught yourself thinking about him. Just him. His eyes. His smile that could just make you melt. But how to explain that in words...

Tadashi looked at the building and made up his mind. Callaghan will die if no one helps. He looked once more down at Hiro who was about to sprint towards him. What about (y/n)... Before he could turn and run back into the building...

"Tadashi Hamada. I think I'm in love with you..."


Tadashi x Reader: TO BURNWhere stories live. Discover now