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Five months later


"You almost ready baby" Jai called out to me" I was packing up my room because Jai and I were moving. "Yes Jai just got one more box to pack" I yelled back. I heard him walking up the stairs. "Hey you want me to put the boxes in the car" he asked. "Yes please" I answered. Jai has changed so much since the whole situation with Michael's brother. He doesn't get involved with the criminal stuff anymore and no one believes he can change except me. We decided to get our own house. I just turned 20 a couple of months ago and Jai turned 21. Everyone keeps telling me to watch out for him and all, but he won't hurt me and I trust him. "Okay is this the last box to take baby" he asked. "Yeah" I replied following him downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and my mum was crying. "Mum don't cry, it's okay" I said pulling her in for a hug. "It's gonna be so quiet and boring without you here Ari" she said crying onto my shoulder. "Hey what's that suppose to mean" Frankie asked with a frown. "It's okay mum I'll only be 20 minutes away not 20 hours." I said trying to cheer her up. "Yeah I guess so" Jai walked back in and gave Frankie a bro hug. Yes, Frankie gave him a chance and they are now like best friends it creeps me out how close they are. "Okay babe, shall we go to our new home" he asked putting his arms around my waist. "Yeah lets go" Frankie and Mum followed us out. "Oh Ari, I'll miss you, make sure you visit a lot okay" she said giving me one last hug. "And you Brooks, look after my baby okay" she said with a serious face. "It's okay Joan, I'll take great care of her" he said giving her a hug. "Bye guys" I said as I got in Jai's car.

We arrived at our house approximately 20 minutes later and it was massive. It was on the beach, the front of the house was like a creamy white while the back of the house had glass windows covering the house. The furniture was beautiful, the kitchen was massive. There was a huge pool and a it was so pretty. There was a theatre room, a games room, a gym, it was a 2 story mansion with really high ceilings, practically everyone's dream home. "Wow Jai, it's beautiful" I said taking in the million dollar home. "Yep and it's all ours baby" he said wrapping his arms around my waist.


"Okay on three, 1, 2, 3" we jumped in the pool and it was amazing. The view of the beach was spectacular. "Babe come here" I said motioning her to follow me. "How great is this place" I asked. "I know it's amazing thank you for doing this Jai and helping me get signed to a recoding company as well I can't believe you did that, I'm so lucky to have you" she said before kissing me. "Babe I would do anything to keep you happy, I don't wanna lose you" I said staring into her beautiful brown eyes. "Hey can we invite the boys and the girls over to tonight" she asked. "Yeah that would be awesome, we can have a house warming party" I said. "That sounds perfect I'll call the girls you call the boys" and with that, we both got out of the pool and called them


"It's so good to actually have a party, we've never had one before" I said to Jai. "Yeah I know and now that we have our own house, we can have many more" he replied kissing my neck. "We gotta go shopping for food Jai" I said realising we haven't got any food in our house what so ever. "Oh yeah we have no food, let's get dressed and go" he said walking upstairs. I followed behind and we both got changed. "Hey are all the boys coming" I asked. "Yeah I called all of them, they said they wouldn't miss it for the world." We laughed. "What about the girls" he asked. "Yeah they're coming too" I replied putting my converse on. We walked downstairs and Jai grabbed his car keys. We walked out into Jai's car and drove to the shops.

When we got back home we unpacked all the food we bought. We had to buy a lot of junk food for tonight considering there were gonna be 5 big mouth boys. "I hope this place stays clean tonight" I said staring at all the expensive furniture. "It will be fine, we will mostly be out the back anyway because it's gonna be hot tonight and the boys will wanna swim" Jai said unpacking the rest of the food. "Okay good" I smiled. Just then my phone vibrated.

Me - hello

Lexie - hey Ari, do you mind if I come now, I'm really bored and I wanna see your house so bad

Me - yeah of course Lexi, it's Amazing by the way

Lexi - your so lucky Ari

Me - I know I get the man and the house

Lexi - haha anyway see you soon, love ya

Me - bye Lexi see you soon

"Lexi decided to come early" I said to Jai. "Alright, is she coming now?" He questioned. "Yeah she should be here in like 10 minutes" i smiled. "Okay cool that means we have 10 more minutes of alone time" he smirked. "Hmm yeah, I wonder what we should do while we're waiting" I smiled Putting my arms around his neck. "I have a good idea" he said before sucking on my neck. I lifted his head up so he was looking me in the eyes. I leaned in to kiss him, I was almost touching his lips when. "Hmm maybe tomorrow baby" I smirked walking away. "Your such a tease Ari" I turned around and gave him a kiss. "I know I'm sorry let's try that again" I said, he smiled and reached down grabbing my ass as he kissed me. I pulled away from the kiss and turned to walk outside. "Oh my god babe stop with the teasing" he frowned. "Sorry baby"

Hey guys, hope you liked the prologue. I wasn't sure if I wanted to do a seconds story but people were asking for one so I figured I should make you all happy and write one. I will probably be posting chapter 1 either tomorrow or the next day. 💜💜💜

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