Chapter 4

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"So you ready bro" Daniel asked. "Yeah man, I'm ready, it's gonna be fun" I smiled and got in my car to drive home. "Babe I'm home" I said as I closed the front door. "Hey baby, I missed you" she gave me a comforting hug. "I missed you too, ready for tonight" I asked. "Yeah, I'm excited" she smiled. "Me too" I kissed her. "We should start getting ready, the reservations are in an hour" I said and we both walked upstairs. "What should I wear Jai" she asked. "Something fancy, but not too over the top" I replied.


I'm all ready for my date with Jai tonight. I decided to wear (dress up the top) I had my hair half up, half down and slightly curled the ends. I wore black heels and put on a little makeup. I looked at myself in the mirror and loved it. "Babe you ready" Jai said as he walked into our room. "Woah" he said and licked his lips. "Yeah I am, let's go" he smiled while staring at my body and I snapped him out of his thoughts. "Let's go" I said pulling him to the door.

"Oh my god Jai, this place is so fancy" I said staring at all the chandeliers and fancy table settings. "I know" he said and walked up to the front desk. "How may I help you" the waiter asked. "I booked a table, my names Jai Brooks" he said. "Ahh yes, right this way" he said and led us to a table in the corner.

"So Ari, I need to ask you something" he said. "Um okay, go ahead" I replied. "We'll, we've been dating for a while and I think it's time I asked you this" he said and pulled something out of his jacket. "Here" he said handing me an envelope. "What's this" I asked. "Open it" he smiled. I carefully opened the envelope and took out the piece of paper. I read it and almost died. "Oh my god, were going to Fiji" he smiled and nodded his head. "Only if you want to" he said. "So will you go with me" he asked. "Of course I'll go with you" I said and sat on his lap while giving him a kiss. "This is gonna be so fun" He said. "When do we leave" I asked. "Tomorrow. So as soon as we get home, we gotta pack" he said. "I'm so excited, thank you Jai" I said giving him a tight hug. "Your welcome babe, you deserve a holiday" he kissed my cheek.


"She said yes" I yelled with excitement. "Really man, that's great, I hope you have a good time" Daniel winked. "Oh yeah, I will" I smirked then went upstairs to pack. "Ari" I yelled. "In here" she yelled back. "You almost done packing" I asked. "Yeah, have you even started" she asked. "Nope" I said popping the p. "Well get to it" she laughed. "Yes ma'am" I said.

The next morning we had to wake up at 5 in the morning so we could get to the airport 3 hours before the plane takes off. "Babe" I said shaking Ariana. "Babe wake up, we have to go to the airport" I said softly. "What, airport" she yelled and jumped out of bed to get ready.


I didn't know what to wear and I was so stressed and excited. I hope I remembered to pack everything. I ran around like crazy checking to make sure I packed everything I needed. "Babe are you okay" Jai said as he walked into room looking around at all the mess. "Yeah just checking that I packed everything I need" I said and went into the bathroom to put some makeup on. I wore white shorts and a grey long sleeve shirt. I put my hair half up, half down and put my white converse on.

"Flight 817 to board Fiji Airways" okay I was really excited now, I could see the plane out the window and it was really pretty. "Okay babe you ready to board" Jai asked. "Yeah, let's go" I said and he held my hand. When we got to the front of the line the lady scanned our tickets and told us which part of the plane to enter. "Okay you will both be entering the back of the plane so just follow the ramp that goes down and the security guard will tell you where to go, have a safe flight" she smiled and handed us back our tickets. "Thank you" we both said and walked down the ramp. "Okay guys you just have to walk over to the stairs at the back of the plane then find your seat numbers" he smiled and we walked up the stairs and our seats were five rows from the back. "This is gonna be a long plane ride" I said. "Yeah, try to get some sleep babe" Jai said and kissed my forehead.

I woke up and I was laying on Jai's chest. He smiled at me and said we only have half an hour left on the plane. "Really, wow I was asleep for hours" I said and yawned. "Yeah, and it's night time in Fiji so you probably won't be tired and stay up all night" he smirked. I playfully rolled my eyes and looked out the window. "Wow, I see land" I said. "Really, so were almost there" he asked. "Yeah, I think" I replied. "Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing at Nadi airport in about 10 minutes time. The weather is beautiful and its quite hot. I hope you all enjoy your stay in our country and Thankyou for choosing to fly with Fiji Airways" the pilot spoke. "Yay" I said. "How far is the resort away from the airport" I asked. "It's about an hour" Jai replied. "Really, an hour" I asked. "Yeah, all the resorts are pretty far from the airport and the coral coast has the best resorts anyway" he spoke. "You still haven't told me which resort we are going to" I said. "It's called the outrigger, that's the first one were going to" he said. "What there's more than one" I asked excitedly. "Yeah but you just have to wait for the others cause I'm not telling" he smirked.

Hey guys I know I've been really bad with updates and I'm trying my hardest to write as much as I can. This chapter isn't the best either and I'm so sorry. I will probably update either tomorrow or the next day, anyway thanks for reading love you guys. 💜💜💜

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