Chapter 12

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I had an amazing sleep, it was so peaceful. I remembered that today was the day I was meeting with that guy Jai. It was so weird how he had the same name as my Jai. I just found the whole thing freaky. Anyway he texted me this morning and wants to take me out for lunch instead and since it's 10:30am, I thought I should probably go have a shower than get ready. I didn't bother washing my hair, I just put it up in a messy bun and looked through my closet to find something nice to wear. I spotted a black skater skirt and a white crop top. I looked alright I guess, than I chose some black heels to go with it. I put on a little makeup and grabbed my Chanel bag. I walked downstairs and it was 11:58. He said he would be here around 12. And at 12 on the dot, I heard the door bell. I opened it up to see him standing there. "Hey" I smiled. "Hey" he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Shall we go" I followed him to the car and the restaurant we stopped at was fancy. Like really fancy.

We spent a few hours there just talking and getting to know each other a little more.  He said he would take me to the beach and then to a club. The beach was only a short walk and it was a beautiful day. The beach wasn't very packed, you could only hear the waves crashing against the sand.

We got to the club at around 7:30 and had a few drinks until more and more people arrived. It was probably 8:30 when we got up to dance and I could feel myself almost faint. I was pretty drunk and Jai kept buying me more drinks but didn't get any for himself. Maybe because he was driving me home. I shouldn't even be drinking with this baby in my stomach. I didn't tell him I was pregnant, that's the part I left out. He said he would take me home at 10:30 and he did. I've never been so drunk in my life. Lucky no one was home when we got there. He took me to my bedroom and smashed his lips against mine. He quickly let go and locked the door before doing it again. He pushed me onto the bed and ripped his shirt off. He then took my crop top off me and through it to the other side of the room. I felt him reaching behind my back and playing with my bra clip. I was too drunk to fight it. He slid my bra off and chucked it in the floor. He sucked hard on my breasts and remove his pants then my skirt. He left hickeys all up the side of my neck and on my breasts. Then he ripped my panties off and his boxers before smashing into me. Pumping harder and harder each time. Why was he doing this. I mean he's not drunk and he seemed like a great guy but now I'm beginning to think he's one of those guys that takes girls out, gets them drunk then has sex with them. I felt him release into me and I wasn't sure if it was good for the baby or not. I wanted to push him off but he was too strong for me. "Let's go" he yelled and told me to out my clothes back on as he did the same thing. "Where are we  going" I asked. He didn't answer me, he just dragged me to his car and threw me in the back seat. I felt so sore and useless. I honestly missed my Jai, I know he probably wants to hurt me but all I want is to be wrapped in his arms where I know he'll protect me.

We arrived at an abandoned house which looked like it was in the middle of no where. He chucked me in a little room and slammed the door shut. I was alone in this house with a psycho. About an hour later someone barged into the door, it was dark and I couldn't see who it was. I was still drunk as well which didn't help. "Baby it's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you" I heard a small chuckle. "W-what" I said softly. I felt him walking closer to me and he stood a metre away from me with a small light shining in his face. "J-Jai" I stuttered. "It's me, I see you've met my friend Jai, or should I say Rhys" he smirked. "I'm confused" I said. "My names not actually Jai it's Rhys, I was working with Jai a while ago before he created his little group. "Jai why am I here" I asked. "Because I miss you, I love you and you dumped me so I'm getting my revenge" he smirked. "And Rhys, why the fuck did you rape me" I yelled. "What, you rapped her" Jai asked. "Uhh yeah" he scratched his neck. "I told you not to hurt her you fuck head" he yelled. "I didn't hurt her" he defended. Jai looked at me and I stood up. "Did he hurt you Ari" Jai asked. I nodded my head. Jai pulled out a gun and shot Rhys is his chest. I shivered from the loud bang. "I'm sorry, I told him not to hurt you or I'll kill him" he said.

Sorry if you guys got confused with the whole, two Jai's thing. I hope you like this chapter I'm happy with it,p. I kinda wanted to rush it though and not get into too much detail. Anyway I'll post later this week. Love you guys 💜💜💜

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