Chapter 20 - Date Part 2

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His jaw dropped when I entered the living room. He stood up and licked his lips slowly while staring me up and down. "You look Beautiful" he said and came over to give me a kiss. His lips felt so moist and soft. And his breath tasted really good. "Shall we go" he smiled and held out his arm. I slid my arm through his grabbing hold of it as we walked towards the door. "Thanks for looking after Zhaiden" I said to Lexi as she stood at the door ready to close it. "Your welcome guys" she smiled and waved to us as we got in to his car. "I love you" he said and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. I felt so many butterflies in my stomach. I felt my body heat up. The kiss lasted a few minutes then he pulled away. "I love you too" I blushed and he drove away while resting his hand on my thigh.

Jai came over to my side and opened the door for me. I stepped down and stared at the beautiful restaurant in front of me. We linked arms and walked through to the front desk. "Name" the man asked politely. "Brooks" he smiled and the man led us to our table. It was really beautiful and it seemed expensive. "Wow Jai, you really went all out for this date" I blushed. I honestly thought it was just gonna be one of those casual dates but this was different from our usual ones. "Of course, I love you and you deserve this" he smirked and the waiter came over and waited for us to order.

After we finished eating, Jai looked at the time on his watch as if he was in some sort of a hurry. "I'm just gonna go to the restroom, I'll be back" he smiled then kissed my cheek. A few moments later, a waiter came over and handed me an envelope. "What's this" I asked. "Open it and see" he smiled then walked away. This was weird.

Go outside to the water fountain

I don't know what this means but I just left anyway. I stepped outside and walked over to the fountain and saw a waiter, who handed me another envelope. This was getting creepy. I opened it up and smiled.

Follow the rose petals till you get to the end

I walked up the long path and reached the end of the rose petals. There stood another waiter who handed me another envelope.

Walk up the stone stairs

I walked all the way up and there stood four familiar boys. They each had fancy suits on and held out 3 roses each. I got up to Daniel first and he smiled at me then handed me the roses he held. The same happened when I got to Beau then James them Luke. Luke whispered something to me. "Hold onto my arm" he smiled and I did what he told me to. He walked me over to the other side where I saw Jai holding a rose and a huge grin on his face. Luke gave me a quick smile then went back to the other boys.

"Jai, what is all this" I asked as I looked around to all the beautiful lights. And the view was to die for. "You'll see" he smirked and handed me the rose he held. I now had a bouquet of red roses. He grabbed my left hand and looked right into my eyes.

"Ariana, before I met you I was just some jerk who killed innocent girls for money. Now here I am, almost two years later, standing with the most amazing person I've ever met. If I never kidnapped you, I wouldn't have changed. You helped me become the person I always wanted to be. The person my parents and family would be proud of. But most importantly, if I never kidnapped you, I would never have met you. My best friend, my princess, my girlfriend, my life, my world. Your everything to me and I'm so lucky to have such an amazing brother" he spoke. I chucked a little when he said that last line. "It's true though, he found you and I'll never be able to thank him enough. Ariana I want us to be more than what we are now, I want to be your king, and I want you to be my queen. So......" He started before getting down on one knee and pulling out a small black box from his pocket. "Ariana Grande, will you will marry me" he started shaking as he said that. I was a little overwhelmed. I looked all around me, but I don't actually know why. I just processed what he asked me. I look him in the eye and smiled. "Yes, of course I'll marry you Jai" he sighed with relief then picked me up and spun me around. When he put me down, he grabbed my left hand and carefully slid the ring on to my fourth finger. We kissed each other passionately for about 5 minutes until the boys came around and yelled. "CONGRATULATIONS" I just blushed and thought about my future with Jai.

I guess my Bad Boy isn't really a Bad Boy anymore.

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