Chapter 8

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"Your what" I half yelled. "I'm pregnant Jai" she yelled. "How do you know for sure" I asked. "Because this morning I took a test, Alexis had one and gave it to me" she said. "She knew before me" I asked a little annoyed. "Yeah obviously, she was actually with me for the past couple of days unlike you" she yelled. "Don't get mad at me, you always get dramatic over everything" I yelled. "No I don't" she yelled. "Don't deny it, oh wait, your just too perfect for that" I spat regretting what I had just said. "Do you even want this child with me" "No I don't think I do" what am I saying "Wow, I guess I was right, you not ready to be the father of my child" she said before running off. "Ariana baby I'm so sorry please don't leave" I chased after her. She ran to our room and locked me out. "Baby please let me in I'm so sorry" I started banging on the door. Fuck my life. I slid my back down the floor and sat their drowning in my tears.


I ran straight towards our room and quickly slid the card in and raced to close the heavy door. He started banging on the door and saying sorry but I'm not letting him in. I sat on the bed and started crying. My phone started to ring and I thought it would be Jai but it was Alexis. I walked outside to the balcony and closed the door so Jai couldn't hear me. I'm pretty sure he's just sitting out there.

Me - hello

Alexis - hey what happened, I saw Jai chasing you and I can hear in your voice that you've been crying.

Me - Jai and I had a fight

Alexis - what about

Me - the baby

Alexis - ohh

Me - yeah he's outside the room, I'm not letting him in yet

Alexis - I think you need a little air, maybe some time to think about everything

Me - yeah, I just don't know if I'm happy in this relationship

Alexis - if your not then you should do something about it

Me - like what

Alexis - like... If your not happy then break up with him

Me - I don't know if that's what I want though

Alexis - just think about it, I mean I think you and Jai are adorable together but if your not feeling the energy anymore than maybe it's time to have a break

Me - I don't know I guess your right. I'll think about. Could you come and stay with me tonight

Alexis - of course I will

Me - and could you tell Jai to stay at your room tonight

Alexis - absolutely

Me - I don't wanna do this to him but it's really the only choice i have right now

Alexis - it's okay I'm sure he'll understand

Me - thanks so much Alexis

Alexis - your welcome, we are best friends after all

Me - haha yeah, I'll see you soon?

Alexis - yeah I'll be there in like 5-10 minutes

Me - alright bye

Alexis - bye

I went back inside and I couldn't help but cry and think about what I'm going to do from here.


I walked up to Ari's room and Jai was sitting in front of the door with tears falling down his face. "Jai, can I talk to you" I asked. He nodded his head while wiping his tears. "Ari asked me to stay with her tonight and she wants you to stay in my room with Beau" I said softly. "I understand" he sniffed. "I messed up again, I didn't mean anything I said" he started crying again. "She knows you didn't but you still said them and it hurt her" I explained. "I know, just tell her I love her and I'm so sorry" he said after standing up. "Will do" I smiled. He walked to my room and I knocked on the door. She answered it knowing it was me. I walked in an sat on the bed next to her. "So what happened, he said the things he said, he didn't mean" I spoke. "Well he said that I get dramatic over everything and I said that I didn't but he's like, yeah cause your just too perfect for that, and then I asked him if he even wants the baby and he- he said no" she started crying. "Well he said he didn't mean to say that" I said. "It hurts Alexis,  really love him, I mean I don't even know if I do anymore" she replied. "Just give it time" I said and we watched some movies for the rest of the night.


I woke up to the sound of my phone's ringtone. I picked it up and answered it without checking the ID.

Me - hello

Jai - hey can I talk to you

Me - yeah but not over the phone, I have to talk as well but I want it to be face to face.

Jai - alright I'll come to your room in about 10 minutes and we can go for a walk

Me - alight

Jai - See you soon, bye

Me - bye

"Who was that" Alexis asked. "It was Jai he wants to talk and so do I" I replied. "Have you made a decision" she asked. "Yeah I have" answered and got ready.

There was a knock on the door, it was Jai so I answered it and we left. "So what did you wanna talk about" I asked. "I just wanted to say how sorry I am and I love you so much, I do want this baby, a lot" he said. "Thanks, I need to tell you something" I said, he nodded signalling me to talk. "Well I've been thinking about our lives for the past year and a half and there's been so many fights and arguments over nothing and its getting annoying. But yesterday, it made me realise that I'm not happy" I took a breath and started to form tears. "Jai, I wanna break up"

Yass thanks for reading, I'll update as soon as I can, but please like and comment. I know some of you might hate me for doing this but I felt it needed something interesting, so I'm really sorry. But I hope you like this book so far and I love You all thanks for the support guys 💜💜💜

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