Chapter 7

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"So babe how was your first day" Jai asked as we were waiting for our dinner. "It was good me and Lexi had so much fun" I replied. "I'm glad, I wanna spend some time with you tomorrow though is that okay" he asked. "Jai that's more than okay, I would love that" I smiled and our dinner had arrived. "You tanned baby" I said staring at his brown arms. "I know I'm so happy" he smiled. "You look so hot with a tan" I said. "Not as good as you" he smirked. "I know, I'm hot baby" I said as I flicked my hair back. He laughed at me. "Your so adorable baby, tomorrow, it's just gonna be me and you okay" he said. "Yes" I said. "You sure your not gonna ditch me" he lifted his eyebrow. "Yes baby I promise" I smiled and gave him a quick kiss.

Jai and I were walking around the resort after dinner, it was so beautiful at night and I love being with just Jai. We were talking about different things and when we arrived at the beach, we took a seat and stared out into the ocean. "Thank you so much for bringing me here Jai, I really love it" I said. "Me too, I'm just so happy with how everything has turned out for us, I mean it started out with me kidnapping you and now look at us" we shared a small laugh. "I know it's crazy and I'm so glad your not apart of that shit anymore" I said while I cuddled up to him. "Me too, my life was horrible until I met you, thanks for making me fall in love with you" he said while staring into my eyes. I smiled and he leaned in to give me a passionate kiss.

"That was amazing baby" Jai said as he collapsed beside me. "I know, best sex ever" I giggled. "So tomorrow me and Beau were gonna relax by the pool again, you wanna join" he asked. "I don't know ill ask Alexis what she wants to do, we were gonna check out the rest of the resort and walk along the beach maybe" I said. "Sounds fun" he replied. "Yeah, but relaxing by the pool does sound good" I smiled.

2 days later, after breakfast, Alexis and I went for a little walk over to the beach. We saw Luke and Remi setting up some activities. "Hey" we said as we approached them. "Hey girls what's up" Remi asked. "Nothing much, just going for a walk" Alexis replied. "What are you girls doing today" Luke asked. We both shrugged. "Wanna hang with us again" He asked. "Sure, sounds fun" I replied and Sarki was heading towards us. "Hey girls" he smiled. "Hi" I blushed. He pulled me in for a hug. "What are you girls gonna do today" he asked. "Hang out with you guys" Alexis replied. "Good" I smiled and he winked at me.

We were hanging with the boys all day. Sarki took me for a walk along the beach. "So how's your boyfriend" he asked. "Okay I guess" I frowned. "What's wrong" he asked. "Nothing, it's fine" I smiled. "So you leave in two days right" he questioned. "Yeah truth is, I don't wanna go, I love it here" I said. "Yeah it's good, I love my job" he smiled. "I love mine too, I got signed by a record company, I'm gonna be releasing music soon and singing at my own concerts. I'm so excited to get started" I said. "Wow, that's awesome I'm happy for you, make sure you come back and visit often" he smiled. I nodded my head. "Sarki" josh called from the lifeguard tower. "We need you up here" he yelled. "I'm coming" he yelled back. "I'll see you later?" He questioned. "Yeah definitely" I smiled and he hugged me before leaving. I walked back to the path and saw Jai. "Hey" I said. "Who's that guy" he crossed his arms. "That's Sarki" I replied. "Why were you hugging him" he asked. "Because he's my friend and he was leaving" I replied. "Do you like him" he asked. "No, what are you talking about" I half yelled. "Oh really" he tightened his jaw. "Look, Jai you need to stop being jealous okay, nothing happened with him and nothing is going to happen okay. Just chill out" I half yelled. "I see the way he looks at you Ari, he likes you" he frowned. "What, that's crazy" I said. "No Ari it's not, you don't understand. I know how a guy acts when he's around a girl he likes. And trust me he wants you" he snapped. "Jai can you just drop it" I yelled. "No because it kills me, you like him to" he yelled. "You know what maybe your not ready to be a father" I snapped. "What are you talking about" he asked with a confused face. "Jai, I'm pregnant"

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