Chapter 6

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I turned around and saw Lexi and Beau with big smiles on their faces. "Ahhhh" I screamed and ran up to hug them. "Hey girl how ya been" Lexi asked. "I've been so good, how about you" I questioned. "I've been amazing, and.." She pulled me away from the boys. "Who was that guy you were talking to" (pic at the top. Last guy on the right hand side) she smirked. "He's a guy that works here I think his name is Sarki" I said. "He's cute, like really cute" she said staring at him. "Did he flirt with you" she asked. "Now that you say it I think he did" I smiled. He looked at me and winked. "Ahh" we softy squealed. "I think he likes you" Lexi smirked. "I doubt it" I replied. We walked back to the boys and got ready to go swimming. Us girls sat at the edge at first and the boys jumped straight over us. "Oii" Alexis snapped. "Sorry your scared to get your hair wet" Beau laughed then Jai joined in and high fived beau. "We'll show you who can get their hair wet" She spoke then nudged me and we both got up and walked to the other side of the pool past the bridge where they couldn't see us. We got in and swam under the bridge sneaking up on them. We jumped out from under the water and tickled them. "Stop" they laughed. "Don't mess with girls" I crossed my arms and high fived Lexi. The pool was quite full so me and Lexi got out after 20 minutes and went down towards the beach. There were a bunch of hot guys wearing shirts that said 'Activities' at the back. "These guys must be fun" Lexi smirked. "Yeah. They're all so hot, I should date a Fijian I swear they are all hot" I said . I noticed a familiar face. It was Sarki. We went and sat on the ledge right next to the sand. It was about a 5 metres high from where the sand sat. All 5 guys walked over to us including Sarki. "Hey girls what's up" one of them spoke. God their accent is hot. "Hey" we said in sync. "Is this your first day" the same guy asked. "Yeah we both arrived last night" Lexi spoke. "I'm Luke" he said holding his hand out. I took it and he kissed my hand. "And you are" he smiled. "I'm Ariana and this is Lexi" I smiled back "nice to meet you girls, how long you here for" he asked. I turned to Lexi I'm sure she would know. "7 days" she spoke. "Aww that's all" he frowned. We both smiled at him softly. "Yeah" I said. "I'll introduce you to these guys, this is Vishal, Josh, Remi and Sarki" he pointed to them all and Sarki winked at me again and I felt myself blush. "Nice to meet you guys" I said and stood up to face them. "Yeah you guys seem fun to hang around" Lexi said. "Yeah we are" Vishal spoke and we all laughed. "So you girls wanna hang with us" Remi asked. "Yeah sure" (Vishal is the one on the far left hand side and Luke is the one in the middle in the pic) "Yeah sounds awesome" we both said and walked over to the grass area where they hang out and look after the kids. "So where are you girls from" Josh asked. "Were from California" Lexi said. "Ooh I've always wanted to go there" Luke replied. After about 10 minutes we thought we should check up on the boys. "Hey guys we'll be back in a few minutes okay" Alexos said. "Alright we'll be here" Remi smiled. We smiled back and walked back to the pool area. We saw the boys sitting on their lounge chairs tanning and talking to each other. "Let's not bother them, they seem pretty happy without us" I said and we walked back to the group. When we got there only Remi and Sarki were there. "Sarki's mine, Remi's yours" I whispered to Lexi and she agreed. We sat down and they greeted us. "Come here" Remi said and cuddled up to Lexi, she looked like she was enjoying it. I looked over at Sarki and he held his arms out. I went over to him and we leaned against the wall comfortably. "So what brings you to Fiji" he asked me. "We'll I'm here with my boyfriend but he does t seem to care that I'm gone" I frowned. "Well I'm here for you , always he smiled at me and I felt my cheeks tingling. "Your so beautiful and kind, how could he not want to spend time with you" he asked shocked. "Cause Alexis's boyfriend is here as we'll and they are having their guy time" I replied. "I'm sorry" he said while rubbing my back. "It's okay. I love being here with you right now" I smiled and he kissed my forehead. "I hope he doesn't see us like this" he spoke. "Yeah I guess I should go tell them that we are going to the spa" I said to Lexi and she nodded. "Be back soon" the boys said and we smiled. "We will" I said. "Man these guys has such good manners and they're not trying to make us have sex with them every second. The guys are really different here" Lexi spoke. "Yeah they are" I frowned to myself. Jai is just one of those guys that just wants to be all over you and I now know how desperate he is. We walked up to them and tried to get their attention. "Oh hey girls what's up" Beau asked. "Were just gonna go get a massage. Be back later" Lexi said. The boys nodded. "Alright, well have fun" Jai said and kissed my cheek. It didn't feel the same as when Sarki kissed me. It was soft and gentle but It just doesn't feel right with Jai anymore. We walked back to the boys and stayed with them for about 3 hours, then we went back to the room to get ready for dinner.

Sorry it's been forever since I updated, I've been kinda busy these holidays and haven't written as much as I hoped I would. Anyway I hope you like it and please comment. I love you guys 💜💜💜

Shout out to Jariana2002 who reminded me to update. Never would have come tonight if you didn't tell me. THANKYOU 💞💜

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