Chapter 2

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Your pancakes Mrs Brooks" Jai said handing me a plate. "Why thankyou" I smiled and he winked at me. I love this man so much. "And your pancakes Mrs Brooks" Beau said giving Lexi a plate of pancakes. "Aww thanks Beau" She blushed and he smiled licking his lips. Aww they are so cute. "Umm is something happening with you two" Jai asked. Oh yeah he doesn't know. "Umm, yeah.... we're dating" Beau said. "Really that's great, I can't believe you finally have a girlfriend bro" Jai asked shocked. "I know me either" he replied. "And a beautiful one too" he added. Me and Lexi chuckled. They went and gave Daniel and James a plate of pancakes each, they went and sat down on the lounges with them and watched the Simpsons while eating. Lexi and I were sitting on the bench stools. "Where's Laura and Christie" I asked. "Laura is upstairs, she's feeling a little sick and Christie had to go home" she answered. "Okay, I'll go check on Laura" I replied heading upstairs. I walked in and saw Laura throwing up in the ensuite of her room. I went over and held her hair out of her face. "Hey are you okay" I asked her. "Umm... Do you have any pregnancy tests" she asked. "Hold on" I walked into my room and searched through one of the boxes for one. "Here you go" I said handing it to her. I walked out and she did her business. After a minute, she walked out and started bawling her eyes out. "Hey, it's okay" I said hugging her. "I can't be pregnant" she cried. "Let's go find out if you are or not" I said following her into the bathroom. "Are you pregnant" I asked.


"Man, you and Ari have the perfect relationship" Beau said. "Yeah we do" I admitted. "You really love her don't you" he smirked. "I do" I blushed. "She's an incredible girl, and so beautiful, it just makes me feel so lucky that she is all mine" I smiled to myself. "She's got you whipped dude" he smirked. "I know, I just love her so much and I don't care what anyone says" I proudly stated. "That's really cute you know" he said. "Yeah, I wanna start a family with her" I said, "do you mean, what I think You mean" he asked shocked. "Yep" I replied smirking.


I walked downstairs and saw Daniel sitting with James on the couch. I went and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey babe" he said. "We need to talk" I said. "Umm okay" he got up and followed me out in the kitchen. "So what's up" he asked. "Remember when I told you the other day that I might be pregnant" I asked. "Yeah" he answered. "Well I'm not, I did a test and it's all clear" I smiled and he sighed with relief. "Thank god, I don't think either of us are ready for a child yet" he said. "I know" I replied and we walked back inside.


"Jai, will you tie this up for me" I asked. We were getting ready for the beach, since it was hot. "Okay, but when we are at the beach, you have to let me take it off you" he said. "What" I asked. "You know. When were in the water, I'm taking it off" he said. "Ohh really" I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah" he replied as if it were obvious. "I'm a guy with the hottest girlfriend ever. I'm gonna perve on you" he said. "Alright deal" I said and he smiled. "YESS" he's so cute. "Hey you guys almost ready" Lexi asked. "Yeah just gotta grab my bag" I replied.

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