Chapter 9

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I cried all day. I had to break up with him, I hate all the jealousy and fights between us. "What are you thinking" Lexi asked. "I'm thinking that I need to go home" I said. "Babe why did you break up with him" she asked. "Because I had to" I simply replied. "What good is gonna come of it" she asked. "The good thing is that I'm not gonna be stuck in an argument all the time because all me and Jai have been doing lately is fighting, I can't do it anymore" I cried.


"Bro she dumped me" I said to Beau as I walked in his room. "What. Are you serious" he asked. "Yeah. And the thing that sucks is that I was going to propose to her tonight" I felt tears flowing down my cheeks. "Aww man I'm so sorry" he came and gave me a hug. "I love her so much I don't know what I did wrong" I explained. "I have to go home" I said. "You have to talk to Ari" he smiled. "I can't she will just jump down my throat. You know what I'm in love with her and I will make her listen to me" I said as I get up and went to my room where I saw Lexi leaving. "Here's the card for the room" she handed it to me. I opened he door and saw Ari on the balcony. I walked out and stood next to her. "What did I do" I asked. "It's not exactly what you did" she replied. "What do you mean" I questioned. "We fight all the time and I'm over it" a tear fell down her face. "I guess we have been fighting a lot" I admitted. "I really appreciate every single thing you've done for me in the past 2 years, especially for getting me signed, I'm so great full for that Jai" she smiled. "But it's time to forget about us" she started crying. "I-I understand" I went inside and broke down. I couldn't stop myself from crying and neither could Ari. We sat on the bed hugging each other and crying for hours. "So what happens now" I asked "I think we should go home and figure everything out from there" she replied. "Alright" I quickly wiped the remainders of my tears and we started packing. Alexis and beau decided to stay for another week which is what they paid for. "And Jai, thanks for bringing me here, I had a great 2 weeks" Ari smiled at me. "You deserve it, I'm glad I brought you here" I smiled back.


When we landed back in L.A, we got Luke to pick us up. He took us to mine and stayed to help us pack after we told him everything that had happened. "This better not be goodbye" Luke said. "It's not, we can hang out whenever you want" I smiled and he pulled me in for a hug. "Good because I can't stand having you out of my life" he said which made me feel happy. "Hey there's a question I've always wanted to ask you" I said as I sat down next to him on my bed. "What is it" he questioned. "What made you want to pick me" I asked. "Well I saw you sitting alone and you looked so beautiful in your dress. I wanted to ask you for your number, I wasn't gonna choose you to be Jai's prey, but I felt a buzz from my phone and I knew it was a text from Jai telling me to hurry up so I panicked and I guess you just happened to be the girl" he explained. "Wait you wanted my number" I smiled and he chuckled. "Yeah I did, I felt terrible and when you were tied to that chair I couldn't watch you die, I had to go into another room t was too much but then I heard what was going on and I was so happy that he wasn't gonna kill you. I was gonna ask you again when we got back to the house but Jai had control of you and I kinda knew he had feelings for you which made me upset. But I'm glad I at least get to be your fr-" I cut him off by smashing my lips onto his. I don't know what came over me but he just looked so hot and perfect I just went for it. He kissed back and our lips went in sync. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and quickly pulled away. Jai came in and I think he knew something suspicious was happening. "Umm what's going on" he asked noticing how close I was to Luke. "Luke was just telling me why he chose me that night" I replied. "Oh um okay" he didn't seem convinced.

We walked down the stairs and packed Jai's things in Beau's jeep. I gained a few tears and so did Jai. After everything was packed, he walked over to me and pulled me in for a nice hug. I could hear his sniffs and it broke my heart. He pressed his forehead against mine and we closed our eyes. "So I guess this is it" he said. "Yeah, at least for now" I spoke. "I'm gonna miss you" he said and squeezed me tight. "I'm gonna miss you too" I said with my tears drenching Jai's shirt. "I love you Ariana Grande" he said. "I love you too Jai Brooks" I replied and we shared one last passionate kiss before he got in the car with Luke and drive away.

I'm sorry I don't update much, I've been trying but it's getting kinda hard. This chapter kinda sucks but oh well, the next chapters will be better I promise. I love you guys. 💜💜💜

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