Chapter 5

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" I can't believe we're actually here, it's so calm... And hot" I said as we stepped off the plane.
"I need an air conditioner" Jai said as he used his paper to fan himself. "Oh my god that's so cute" I said as we entered the airport, these 4 Fijians were playing guitars and singing, they sounded so beautiful together. They all smiled at me and I blushed. "Your guys are so good" I said as we walked past. We got our passports stamped and walked through the small airport. "Okay, we have to look for the bus that goes to the outrigger" Jai said. "Right there" I said as I saw a guy holding a sign with the name on it. "Ohh okay" he smiled and we walked over. There were five other couples that were waiting and after everyone was checked, we got in the bus and left. "Wow, this is so different compared to all the other countries I've been to" I said. "Yeah, it's mostly just grass land and a few tin houses every few minutes. "It makes me sad" I said as I stared at all the small houses. "I know" he said. "How long until we get to the resort" I asked. "Well it's 8:30 now so we should be there in about 15 minutes" he replied.

"That resort looks nice. Shangri - La" I said as we past the first resort on the coral coast. We past another one but I couldn't see what the name was. "Look Ari were here" Jai said as the driver pulled up to the reception. "Wow" I said staring at the reception/lobby. The desk was to the left and we were greeted by a group of Fijians singing with their beautiful voices as we walked in. A couple of the Fijian ladies came up to everyone and put shell necklaces around our necks and greeted us by saying 'Bula' which means hello. We walked up to the desk and checked in. The woman gave us our room key and we took out bags up with us. "So our room number is 809" Jai said. We were up the top level and walked Into the suite. It had a beautiful view of the resort and the ocean. "It's so beautiful" I said. "Yeah, it will look better in the morning" Jai said. "Yeah" I smiled. "Thanks for bringing me here Jai, I know I'm gonna love it" I said before kissing him. "Anything for my girl"

The next morning I woke up from the best sleep I have had in years and noticed Jai wasn't next next to me. I got up and went to the bathroom and did my business before walking outside seeing Jai shirtless and on his phone. "Good morning baby" he said and kissed me. "Good morning" I smiled and put my arms around his waist. "What do you wanna do today" he asked. "I don't know, I would love to relax after yesterday" I said. "Alright, we will go swimming and we can sit but the pool and relax" he replied. "That sounds perfect" I said and went back inside to change for breakfast.

We walked down the stairs and down the pathway that led us to the pool area. "Do we know where we're going" I asked Jai. "Yep, just up these steps" he said pointing to the steps near the bridge that goes over the pool. We walked up to the counter and told the woman our names and she showed us to our table.

After breakfast we walked back up to the room and changed Into some swimmers. "Oh here is some money" he said handing me some Fijian cash. "Thanks" I smiled and slipped the money in my wallet. "Shall we go" he asked. I nodded and he held my hand as we walked to the pool. We found some lounge chairs In the sun and took them so we could tan. "I'm just gonna get a drink do you want one" I asked Jai. "Just water please" I nodded and walked to the pool side bar. "Bula" the man said. "Bula, can I please get two waters" I asked. "Of course he replied and as he was getting them one of the activities directors came up to me. "Bula, you must be new I haven't seen you round here before" he said. "Yeah I just got here last night" he introduced himself. "I'm Sarki and you are" he asked. "I'm Ariana" I replied shaking his hand and he kissed it. "Two waters" the bar tender smiled and I thanked him. "So I guess I'll see you around Ariana" Sarki smiled. "Yeah I'm sure I will, bye"'I smiled the. Walked back to Jai. He was kinda hot.. Wait Ariana your with Jai. "Here you go" I said. "Thanks babe, oh and I have something to tell you" he smiled. "What is it" I asked. "Turn around" he smirked.

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