Chapter 16

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The boys didn't know I was home yet. Lexi said that her and all four of the boys were waiting here for when I returned home. Lexi didn't want to wake them up and tell them cause she thought it would be a good surprise. I just hope they are okay with me and Jai being back together.

I hid in the other room until Daniel and Beau came out. Aww I love Baniel. Lexi said they always came out first so i was expecting them. When I heard their voices I slowly walked over behind them and scared the living daylights out of both of them. "ARI YOUR BACK" they both yelled and attacked me with hugs and kisses. "Yeah" is all I managed to say. "Where were you" Daniel asked. "I was with umm, I looked over at Jai. Neither of the boys noticed he was here yet. They turned their heads as I pointed to him. Surprisingly they were okay with him unlike Lexi. "You kept her safe right" Beau asked. Jai smiled and nodded. "Then that's all that matters" Beau replied and went to give him a small bro hug. "So are you two like... Back together" Daniel asked. "Yeah we are" Jai replied.

We decided to go to the shops and get some groceries. It was just Jai and I, the others didn't want to come for some reason. "So what do we need" jai asked as we entered the store. "Umm let me check the message Lexi sent" I pulled out my phone and looked at the large list she wrote. "Eggs, bacon, bread, butter-" he cut me off. "Okay your just naming things I stole from your fridge" he said hick made me chuckle. "And that's exactly why we need to get more" he smiled and I continued the list

We grabbed everything we needed and headed back to the car. "I can't believe you forgive me" he said as we buckled our seat belts. "Well... I realised how much I really love you" he smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I would really like to come to your next baby appointment if you'll let me" he said as he scratched his neck. "Of course you can come, it's your baby too" I smiled and drove home.

2 months later

Jai and I were at another baby appointment together and I really loved when he came with me, it made me feel so much better. Today we get to find out the sex of the baby. We got called into the room and the doctor told me to lay down on the bed so I did. He out the gel on my stomach and rubbed it with the stick. "Okay Mrs Grande, Mr Brooks, it appears your having a baby boy. Congratulations" he smiled smiled and left for a couple of minutes. "I'm so happy, a little Jai Junior" he grinned. "I'm so happy we're finally having a baby" I said and I rubbed my stomach. I was due pretty soon and I couldn't wait any longer.

3 and a half months later

Today was Daniels birthday and we were celebrating at their house, which is what I lived in when they kidnapped me. It was pretty big and he only invited about 20 people. "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Daniel, Happy Birthday to you" we sang before he blew out the candles on his cake. Everyone had a piece but I was feeling a little ill so I sat on the couch with Lexi. "So how have you been" she asked as she shoved a spoonful of cake in her mouth. I chuckled a little. "I'm okay, I just hope this little sucker comes out soon" I rubbed my big stomach and felt a kick. "My little man just kicked again, but it was a really big kick" I said sitting up straight. "Are you okay" Lexi asked as she rushed over next to me. "I'm fine" I smiled and slouched back down. "So what did you get Daniel" I asked while flicking through so,e of the channels. There was nothing on so I just decided to turn it off. "I got him a gold chain necklace and a t-shirt, what about you" she looked over at me and took a sip of her drink. "I got him an iPod since he broke his other one last week. I also got him an iTunes card and a SnapBack to go with it" I replied. "Aww he's gonna love it" she smiled. As if on cue, Daniel came in the living room with a big smile in his face and gave both Lexi and I big hugs. "Oh my god I love you guys, that gold chain though" he was wearing it along with the SnapBack I got him. "And an iPod, Ari your the best you know that" he squeezed me tight. "Daniel, Daniel Daniel" I said as he stood up and gave me a concerned look. "My water just broke"

Thanks for reading this chapter. The book is nearing the end so I hope that you've enjoyed it so far and only 4 more chapter to go. Love you guys. 💜💜💜

Also, 4 votes for next chapter.

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