Chapter 3

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"Jai, no please" I laughed. "Nope, I'm gonna continue tickling you until you give in" he smirked. He wanted me to go skinny dipping with him, no one was at the beach except our group and a lady walking her dog along the sand. "Okay fine, now stop" he grinned and took my shirt off me. "Wait until we get in the water" I told him and he nodded. "What's happening?" Luke questioned raising his eyebrow. "Oh, nothing" Jai smirked. He picked me up and ran with me to the water. "Alright now" he said and started stripping my clothes off. "Um excuse me why don't you do you and I will do me" I said in a high voice. "Fine but hurry" he said. Once all of our clothes were off, we through them on the sand and Jai came really close to me, checking out my body and lips. "Your so beautiful" he bit his lip. He pulled me in so our bodies were really close together. "I have something to tell you" I said. "What is it" he asked. "Well, the other day, I saw one of my old friends Justin at the mall and he asked me if I wanted to hang out so I agreed and he, well" I didn't know how to tell him. "You didn't" he said. "No, I didn't but he forced me to, he raped me" I said and had a tear falling down my right cheek. "How come you didn't tell me right away" he asked. "Well you've been so busy and stressed lately, I didn't wanna make it worse" I replied. "Thanks for telling me baby, but I'm gonna kill him" he said. "Jai you said you were gonna stay away from all that shit" I said. "Yeah, but when you mess with my family, something has to be done" he said and looked to the side. "Are you okay" I asked while hugging him. "Yeah I'm fine, where were we" he smirked. I leaned in and kissed him passionately and it felt magical. "Babe I think we should get out soon, the waves are coming and the tide will come in" I said. "Alright just one more kiss" he said and we made out for a few minutes before getting our clothes and hoping the others didn't see us naked. They are in the water on the other side. We went far away from them so they wouldn't see us. "Hey, I wanna take you out tomorrow night" Jai said. "Okay" I replied and put my clothes back on. The others came back out a few minutes later and we grabbed all our things then went home.


"She's coming tomorrow" I said to Beau. "She is, that's great" beau smiled. "Yeah I love her and I really want this to work out" I said. "Yeah, it will be good and I know she is going to agree" Beau replied. "Yeah I hope so" I said and sat down.


I was bored and Jai went out somewhere. He's taking me to dinner tonight and I'm so excited, I love hanging with just Jai. I decided to call Lexi and see if she wanted to hang out.

Lexi - hey girl what's up

Me - hey you busy today

Lexi - no why

Me - wanna come over and hang, Jai's gone out and I miss you

Lexi - yeah sure I'll be there soon

Me - alright see ya

Lexi - bye

"What's happening with Jai, how come he's not home" she asked. "Well he said he's got a couple of things to do" I replied. "Like what" she asked. "I don't know, he said he had to get something before tonight" I answered. "I have a feeling he's planning something big" she smirked. "Do you know what he's doing" I questioned. "Maybe, maybe not" she smirked. "Girl tell me" i said. "I can't, it will ruin the surprise" she smiled. "Please" I pleaded. "No" she replied. "Pretty pretty please with sugar on top" I begged. "No I can't, just wait until tonight" I crossed my arms. "Fine" I heard the door bell ring so I went to see who it was. I was so shocked to see him here. Why does this have to happen. I don't need his shit right now.

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