Chapter 17

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"My water just broke"

I was freaking out, I've never actually had to deal with this before. "What do I do" I asked while I pulled at my hair. "Get Jai" she yelled. I ran as fast as I could and searched for Jai. He was outside talking to Luke, who I guess finally forgave him. "Jai Jai Jai Jai Jai" I yelled as I ran over panting the whole way. "What's wrong skip" he asked. I had to catch my breath back. "A-Ari's water- her water just- b-broke" I stuttered before finally gaining back my breath. "What" he yelled and ran inside. I followed him in, losing my breath yet again. Luke also joined and we gathered in the living room. "Ahh Jai" Ari yelled. "Skip go start the car I need you to drive, Luke I need you to shut down the party and tell James and Beau to come to the hospital with you" Jai ordered and we did as we were told. I found the keys to his car and started it up all ready to drive as soon as they got in the car. I saw Jai come out holding her in his arms so I quickly opened the car door for them. "Skip drive" Ari yelled and I sped at dangerous speed down the highway.

I pushed open the doors and went to get someone's attention. A doctor came by and found a room for her. Jai took her in and I waited nervously in the waiting room for the boys. I paced the hallway for about 10 minutes before they finally arrived. "Where is she" Luke asked. "In there" I replied, pointing to the room next to the doors.


I laid down on the hospital bed in more pain then I've ever felt before. I just hope giving birth isn't as bad as people make it out to be. Jai held my hand the entire time but I wanted Daniel in here as well. My mum and brother were in New York so I could have my mum with me. "Jai can you please, owwww, hey Daniel" I half yelled as another contraction filled my stomach with pain. They came back almost immediately and they stood holding my hand either side of me. "Looks like your gonna have a birthday twin" I said to Daniel. He smiled. "Yay, it's gonna be mad having him the same day as me" he got a little too excited I think.

"1 2 3 push" the nurse said in a calm voice. It was my last push then the baby will be out. "Come on babe just one more" Jai said. He seemed really scared and he was sweating so much. I gave it one last big push and felt relief as he came out. I panted trying to regain my breath but held a smile on my face the entire time. The nurse took my baby to clean then came back and handed him to me. "He beautiful" Jai smiled. I saw tears in his eyes and I ought it was so cute. "What should we name him" I asked. It took him a few minutes to answer me but the name he chose was perfect. "Zhaiden Brooks" it was an unusual name but I loved it so much. "That's perfect baby" I said and he took a small bow causing me to chuckle.

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