Chapter 15

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I got woken up in the middle of the night by a loud crash. Jai was next to me but he seemed to be asleep. I heard faint movements on the ground coming closer towards us. "Jai" I whispered as I tried to wake him up. He moved a little but stayed asleep. I shook him as hard as I could. "Jai wake up" he shot up and rubbed his eyes. "What's wrong" he yawned. "Someone's in the house" I whispered. He grabbed the gun from the drawer next to the bed and got up. "Stay here" he said before walking out the door. I decoded to text Lexi.

Me - will be home soon

I was very confident that the guy out there was the one who wants to kill me. Jai was obviously gonna win the battle so I knew I would be going home soon.

Lexi - oh my god finally, I can't wait to see you babe 💜💞😘

I smiled to myself then switched off my phone. I looked up and saw a shadow at the doorway. I knew it wasn't Jai's because Jai was skinny and this guy was quite large. Not fat but not skinny. "Ariana Grande" his voice was deep and familiar. I was shaking with fear, I just wanted my Jai. "Wanna come for a ride with me" he laughed as he walked towards me. "N-no" I stuttered. "No" he questioned as he sat next to me. "That's just won't do little girl" he shook his head then suddenly grabbed my head and locked it in his arms. "Ariana" Jai yelled as he walked in. "Come any closer and she's dead" Jake was the one that had me in a headlock.  Jake was the one that was trying to kill me. Now I'm here struggling for breath as he held my neck tight. He held a gun towards Jai. "Let her go" he said while putting his hands up in the air. "No. I don't think so" he chuckled. "I'm the better criminal out of the both of us, but who got a group. YOU" jake said as he moved the gun to my head. "LET HER GO" Jai yelled as he pulled a gun out from his pants. "Your too chicken to kill me" Jake laughed. Then within seconds, Jai pulled the trigger and let a bullet go free to Jake's heart. He fell down leaving a pool of blood under neath him. I was a bit shaken and Jai came over holding me tighter than he ever has before. "It's gonna be okay now, he's gone" Jai said as he rubbed my back. "Thanks Jai, I don't know what I'd do without you" I smiled and kissed him passionately. "Come on let's get you home" he smiled and we left as soon as possible.

It took about an hour to drive back home but it was a good ride. Jai and I pretty much made up and now were back together. I'm actually really glad that this all happened because we would have never talked to each other again if it didn't. When we got back to mine, I walked inside the door and I guess Lexi was waiting for me because she quickly ran over to me. It was about 3:00 in the morning so I guess she really missed me. I'm glad I have suck great friends. "Oh my god Ari I missed you so mu-" she cut herself off when she saw Jai. "Ari what the fuck is he doing here"'she snapped. "Lexi we're back together. Jai saved me" I smiled. She did t look happy. "What do you mean he saved you" she crossed her arms over her chest. "The only reason he kept me away from everyone was so he could protect me and that's just what he did" I smiled at him and he gave me a quick kiss. "He protected you from what?" She questioned. I rolled y eyes. "Some guy was out to kill me but Jai killed him before he got to me and now I'm safe" I explained as quickly as I possibly could. "Oh... We'll okay. But Jai if you ever make her upset again I swear to god I will-" "Lexi" I cut her off and gave her the look. "Sorry. It's good to have you back here Jai" she smiled and we all walked into the kitchen because I was starving. Jai didn't really have food at the house and I could tell he was really hungry too because he raided my fridge and pulled out heaps of food. "Hungary Jai" I asked. He turned around with a loaf of bread hanging from his mouth, milk and butter in one arm and eggs and bacon in the other. "Mmhmm" he replied. Lexi and I both laughed at him and continued making food.

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