Chapter 10

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It has been 3 months since I broke up with Jai and I haven't spoken to him or had any contact what so ever with him. But I've been spending a lot of time with the other four boys. It's been a little awkward between me and Luke though, I mean we talk and stuff but it's just not what it use to be. "So Ari we have something to tell you" James said with disappointment in his eyes. I nodded allowing him to go on. "Well Jai's been.... I don't know how to put it" Daniel scratched the back of his neck. "Jai's been killing people again" Beau said causing guilt to rush through my body. "He- he's a criminal again" I asked with fear in my voice, "yeah and I think he's gonna do something bad to you" Luke added with anger. "He's gonna hurt me" I half yelled. "We don't know but every time we mention you he gives us an evil smirk" Daniel said. I felt my heart sink, I still love him and I thought he would stay away from all this trouble but I know it's my fault, he would have been living with me and we would raise this child together and be a happy family, but no I had to ruin it. "It's all my fault" I said. "What that's crazy don't say that" James came and gave me a comforting hug. "It's true, if I never ended things with him then it wouldn't be like this" I felt tears falling. "Now I'm gonna have my child grow up not knowing who his father is" I spilled. "What, Ari are you pregnant" Beau asked. "Umm yeah I forgot to tell you guys" I half smiled. They all came up and hugged me with happy faces. "Don't worry about him, we will help you raise your child and we will love him or her just like we love you" Daniel smiled which cheered me up right away. But then I thought. "What if he kills my baby" I blabbed. "He wouldn't do that" Daniel rubbed my back making me feel a little better. "He might, we don't know what he's gonna do" my eyes started to water. "We will all make sure that nothing happens to this baby ever, you can't count on us to keep you both safe" Luke smiled and pulled me in for a hug.


I decided to call the boss and make sure everything was going according to plan.

Me - hey boss

Boss - hello Jai, is everything alright

Me - yeah just checking that the plan is gonna work

Boss - of course it's gonna work don't you worry everything will go perfectly and you'll have your old life back

Me - awesome thanks

Boss - I gotta go bye

Me - bye

Yes I can't wait for this


"Okay I think you need to lay down" I said to Ari and we walked up to her room. I laid her down on the bed and kissed her forehead. As I was about to leave she stopped me by grabbing my wrist. "Luke, can you stay with me" she used those adorable puppy eyes and I couldn't say no. I mean even if she didn't use them I still would have said yes. I laid down next to her and she wrapped her arms around my waist before digging her head into my chest. "I just wanna die, I can't do this anymore" she said. I could barely hear her because she was talking into my chest. "Can't do what" I asked. She looked up at me with sad eyes. "I can't pretend like everything is gonna be okay cause it's not. I fucked it up and now he's gonna do something terrible and its all because of me" she started crying and I pulled her back towards my chest. "Shh baby it's okay, we will get through this I promise" I said then kissed her nose. "I love you Luke" she said and my heart was beating so fast. "I love you too" I replied with a smile on my face. She looked up at me. "I know you do, you really love me" I smiled down at her and blushed. "I do, you can tell by my heart can't you" I felt my face go red. "Yeah that, and I remember what you told me a few moths ago" I thought back and remembered when we were in her room and I was telling her the story of how I chose her, then we kissed and it felt magical. I wanted to kiss her so bad, I couldn't take my eyes off her lips. They were perfect and soft, I couldn't help it. I smashed my lips on hers and she kissed back straight away. I deepened it and had feelings in my whole body. I knew I loved her, I loved her a lot and this only made me crave her more. She pulled back a few minutes later. "What are we doing Luke" she had watery eyes. "What do you mean" I asked. "I'm your twin brothers ex girlfriend and we're going behind his back it doesn't feel right" she explained and I literally felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. "But, when I'm with you I forget all about him and wonder what it would be like to have you" she smiled which fixed my heart break. "I like you Luke, and if it wasn't for Jai forcing me to spend so much time with him then I would have picked you. I liked you the best from the start and now your here alone with me, I feel complete" she confessed and I couldn't stop smiling. "I love you so much" I said and we were together for hours just watching movies and cuddling, also kissing a few times. I wanted to stay like this forever.

Hey guys I'm sorry if you don't like Lariana, but I though about putting something different in here, don't worry Jariana will be back eventually.... I hope. Anyway thanks so much for reading I love you guys. 💜💜💜

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