Chapter 18

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I'm going home this morning and I can't wait. The food here is horrible and the beds are so uncomfortable. I wanted Jai next to me last night, but I'm not allowed visitors after 9:30pm which sucks. Now I was just waiting for him to get here but I can't have visitors until 9:00am which is 20 minutes away. I heard the door open and a doctor came in. "Okay Miss Grande, it seems you've been let out early, your free to go now" he said but I couldn't until Jai got here. "Oh and there is so done here to take you home" he smiled and someone entered. My face lit up as soon as he appeared. "Frankie" I yelled and ran over to give him a hug. "Hey baby sis how are you where's the bubba" he asked and I pointed next to the bed. "Oh my god Ari, he's beautiful" he smiled as he rocked Zhaiden back and forth in his arms. "How have you been, I haven't seen you since you moved out" he came over and sat next to me on the bed. "I've been good but I really just wanna go home and sleep I'm so tired" I leaned my head in the crook of his neck and looked down at Zhaiden who was peacefully sleeping. "Okay. Well let's get you home then"

I walked inside with Frankie following behind and saw Jai grabbing his keys on the kitchen counter. "Babe I was just about to come get you" Jai said as he engaged me in to a hug. "Frankie beat you to it" Frankie said as he handed Zhaiden to him. "Thanks man" Jai smiled and Frankie took a seat on one of the stools at the island bench. "I'm gonna go sleep, I'll see you guys later" Jai gave me a quick kiss and Frankie waved as I headed up the stairs.


"So how's everything been" I asked Frankie as I opened a bottle of beer. We sat in the backyard beside the pool. "I've been good actually, have you been good to my sister" he asked with a serious expression. "Well we've had a couple of fights but we get over it quickly and I've been protecting her and loving her the whole time" I was thinking about asking her to marry me soon, and by soon I mean tomorrow night. "Would you be okay with me asking her to marry me" I asked and he shot me a look. "I trust you to be good to her and love her but if you break her heart that's it" he threatened. When you look at Frankie you don't think he could ever be scary. But trust me, he his. "So is that a yes" I asked. He smiled and nodded his head. "It's a yes Brooksy" I can't wait for this, I just wanna be married to her already and have a beautiful family and grow old together an-. I was cut from my thoughts by Frankie. "Dude, you have a creepy smile on your face what are you thinking" he asked. "Just can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her. I just hope she says yes"


I had a pretty good sleep and walked outside to sit with Frankie and Jai. "Hey guys" I said as I sat on the lounge chair next to Jai. "Hey babe, have a good sleep?" He questioned. "Yeah I did" I put my glasses on and Jai grabbed my hand. "I'm gonna go get another drink anyone want one" Frankie asked. "No thanks" Jai and I said at the same time. "So I want to know if you will go out to dinner with me tomorrow night" Jai said and took my glasses off my head. "Yeah sure" I smiled and he stood up and held me bridal style, rushing me over to the pool. "Jai stop what are you doing" I screamed as he smirked down at me. "Don't let me go" I said and hugged his tight. "I won't" he replied but instead jumped in while holding me. We started splashing each other and having fun but he came over closer to me and made our noses touch. "I love you so much Ari, I'm so sorry for being a shit boyfriend" he closed his eyes and held my hand to his heart. "Your not a shit boyfriend. Your the best boyfriend a girl could ever have" I smiled and kissed him passionately. "I love you too" I said.

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