Chapter 19 - Date Part 1

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I was in the middle of washing the dishes when I got a message from Jai.

Jai - be ready by 7 😘

I smiled instantly and sent back a message that said 'okay'. I'm really excited for our date tonight, something just seems different. Jai's acting weird but I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens tonight. He left the house at 9 o'clock this morning and said he'll be back tonight for our date. I'm getting a little curious as to what he's planning. I decided to call Lexi and see how she was doing.

Lexi - hey girl what's up

Me - nothing much, Jai is gone all day and I wanted to see how my beet friend is doing

Lexi - aww well I'm great, how are you

Me - I'm excited

Lexi - what for

Me - Jai's taking me out for dinner tonight and I can't wait

Lexi - aww, you guys are so cute. Is he taking you out as an apology or something

Me - I don't know I guess I'll just have to wait and see

Lexi - yeah, we'll I hope you have fun

Me - thanks. Ugg I gotta go Zhaiden just woke up, oh I forgot to ask if you would look after him tonight

Lexi - yeah of course I would love to

Me - awesome thanks girl

Lexi - no problem

Me - I'll see you tonight then

Lexi - alright, bye

Me - bye

I quickly hung up and bolted upstairs. He was probably hungry since he hasn't had a bottle since 1 am this morning. I picked him up and took him downstairs to his rocker while I fixed his bottle up.


"Thanks for doing this man" I said to Luke as we greeted each other. "No problem, I know you had a bad time going through the breakup but I'm so glad that your back together with her" he smiled and I gave him a quick bro hug. "Thanks it means a lot. I know you liked her and I got to her first but you really are a great brother and I'm so happy your supporting us" I felt a tear stream down my cheek.  I quickly wiped it and we got in the car.

"So everything sorted out?" I asked Luke as we sat at our new favourite restaurant. "Yep everything's perfect" he smiled and took a bite if his BLT sandwich. "I can't wait it's gonna be amazing" I smiled to myself. I really love that girl, she's all I want and I know I've messed up but I never went to hurt her again. I'm whipped.


Zhaiden was good for me all day and I'm so happy I haven't had to deal with him crying. I heard a knock at the front door and opened it up to find Lexi with a smile planted on her lips. "Hey" she greeted me with a hug and I returned one back. "Let's get you ready for this date" she smiled and we headed upstairs. I found a black tight dress which I have never worn before. I pulled it out and it was so beautiful. It had a gold belt around the waist and a thin triangle shape was cut from the middle.

I grabbed my black heels to go with it and Lexi wanted to do my hair and makeup

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I grabbed my black heels to go with it and Lexi wanted to do my hair and makeup. She straightened my hair for me the quickly made a had a half up- half down ponytail. She put a little foundation on, not too much, and some black eyeliner. She had some fake eyelashes which I was in love with. It took a pout 5 minutes to get them just right then she added a little mascara to blend the colour with my natural lashes. I had pale pink lipstick then put a light coat of blush on my cheeks. I thought I was done but one thing seemed like it was missing. I walked over to my bedside table and picked up the gold Jai necklace he bought for me when we were first going out. I placed in on and felt complete. "You look incredible" Lexi cried as she gave me a hug. Why was she crying? We heard the doorbell ring and she ran down to answer it. "Ari, Jai's here" she yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I grabbed my purse and carefully walked down the stairs. I didn't put my heels on yet because they hurt my feet but as soon as we get to the place he's taking me to, I'll put them on.

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