Chapter 11

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About a week later I received an anonymous message on my phone.

Stranger - watch your back

I didn't know what this meant. I was so nervous and I had a feeling it had something to do with Jai. I decided to leave it alone and switch my phone off. I wanted to get some Starbucks so I grabbed my keys and left.

"Yes can I get a Frapuccino please" I asked and gave the lady my money. I took a seat and waited for it to be ready. I saw someone staring at me and he looked kinda familiar. After I got my drink I went outside and was about to get in my car and leave when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and found the same guy that was staring at me inside. "Umm hey" I said nervously. "Hey, you left your wallet in there" he smiled and handed it to me. "Oh thanks" I smiled and turned around but he grabbed my wrist. "Baby girl I'm not done yet" he smirked. "Umm do I know you" he chuckled. "Well you should" he replied and took off his hat and glasses. I was shocked and a little scared when I saw Jai standing there with that evil smirk on his face. "Jai what are you doing here" I asked. "Well it is a public place" he said. "I mean why are you here with me" I rolled my eyes. "Because I miss you" he said. I just stared at the ground. He lifted my chin so I was looking at him. "Please be mine again" he looked right into my eyes. "I can't" I said quickly then jumped in my car and sped off. I was too scared of him and remembered what the boys told me the other day.

I ran inside and the boys were here. "Guys I just saw Jai" I said and hugged Beau. "What" they all said in sync. "What did he say to you" Daniel asked. "He said he misses me and he wants to get back together but I was too scared and just got away from his as soon as I could" I explained. "Where was this" James asked. "At Starbucks" I replied. "But Jai doesn't like Starbucks why would he be there" James asked. "Maybe he found out you we're gonna be there somehow" Beau said. "Maybe he's spying on you" Luke thought. "Maybe but I don't wanna leave the house, I'm too scared" I said. "It's okay at least one of us is gonna be with you wherever you go" Daniel smiled and I thanked them all. "I love you guys" I smiled. "Group hug" James said and I felt so safe, like nothing could hurt me.


Boss - did you talk to her

Me - yeah I did, she doesn't wanna get back together with me

Boss - oh she will when I'm done with her

Me - really

Boss - yep just leave it to me

Me - don't hurt her please

Boss - I won't don't worry

Me - thanks I'll talk to you tomorrow

Boss - laters


It's been three days since I saw Jai and I didn't leave the house once. The boys were staying at mine the whole time and I think they were planning on staying with me until Jai got arrested some how. I couldn't stand being in the house anymore, Beau and I decided to go for a walk so I could get some fresh air.

"So how are you feeling" Beau asked. "To be honest" I paused. "Really fucking scared" I replied. "It's alright babe, we're here to help" he smiled. After a few minutes, we stopped at a park I use to go to when I was little. I sat on the swing and Beau went to the bathroom. There was no one around which was good. It was peaceful and I felt like a kid again. Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw an incredibly handsome guy standing behind me. "Hey" he smiled. I blushed. "Hey" he sat down next to me. "What's a beautiful girl like you doing sitting all by yourself" I blushed. "Well I'm just waiting for my friend" I replied. "Well I would love to take you out sometime, how about tomorrow night" he smiled. "Yeah that sounds great" I replied and he handed me his phone. I put my number on his and he did the same to mine. "So I guess I'll see you tomorrow, oh meet me here at 5:30" he smiled then walked off. "Wait what's your name" I asked. "Jai" he replied. I almost died, I felt my heart cracking a little. How is it possible that he has the same name as my ex. Something doesn't make sense. Beau came back out after Jai left. "Hey what's wrong you look like you just saw a ghost" he asked with a concerned look. "I just met a guy, he wants to take me or tomorrow, and his name is... His name is Jai" I said and saw Beaus jaw drop.

When we arrived back home I received a text from Jai.

Jai - hey beautiful, can't wait to see you tomorrow

Me - aww, me either

I smiled but was a little freaked out at the same time. I was in my bedroom and heard a knock at the door. "Come in" I said softly. The door opened and Luke appeared. "Hey" he smiled. "Hey" I moved over so he could sit. "Cuddle time?" He asked and I nodded. Luke was my best friend, I felt safe with him. I know he liked me but it didn't make me feel wired. I love being with him but I would never date him. "What are you thinking about" he asked probably noticing how quiet I was. "Just about you" I replied. "Oh" he smirked. "No, not like that" I giggled. "Come on I think it's time for you to get some sleep" he said and after a few seconds I felt my eye lids close and i drifted to sleep.

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