Chapter 14

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I've been so worried about Ariana. I wonder where she could be, it's been 3 days and she is t answering her calls or texts. I just wish she would text me to say she's fine. The boys and I have tried looking for her but we all think she's been kidnapped by a Jai. I really hope he hasn't killed her. I'm gonna try and call her again.


Lexi kept calling me but I wasn't allowed to pick up because if word gets around that Jai has me, then I could be in danger and so could he. "Jai she's calling me again, please let me answer it" I begged. He groaned. "Fine but make it quick and do t tell her your with me" he ordered. I slid my thumb across the screen and held the phone up to my ear.

Me - hello

Lexi - oh my god Ari are you okay why haven't you been answering my calls and texts where the hell are you

Me - calm down, I  fine don't worry, I'll be home soon. I said calmly

Lexi - are you sure

Me - yes I am, I'll see you soon

Lexi - are you coming today

Me - no but don't worry, I'll be home soon enough

Lexi - are you happy and safe

Me - yeah, I'm very happy and I've never felt so safe in my life. I smiled over a Jai and he just gave me a confused look but smiled back anyway

Lexi - good. but please, If I call you or text you.. ANSWER ME

Me - of course, don't worry bye

Lexi - bye

"So your very happy aye" Jai smirked and I through my pillow at him. Yes now I have a bed, I got moved into a different room. "Yeah I am" I blushed. I think I made a big mistake by letting him go. I love him and I know he still loves me too. "Jai" I said. "Yeah" he replied and looked over at me. "I'm so sorry...I made a huge mistake" I admitted and felt a tear trickle down my cheek. He came over and sat next to me on the bed, lifting my chin up so I could face him. "You didn't make a mistake, I did" he grabbed both my hands and joined them together. "I was a bad boyfriend to you and I so sorry" he apologised and I leaned in to kiss him. "I love you Ariana Grande" he said as he rubbed my cheek gently with his thumb. "I love you to Jai Brooks" I said and held my hand against his.


I woke up next to Jai. I don't know how he ended up in my bed because I swear he wasn't with me when I was going to sleep. I slowly crept out of his grip but he pulled me back instantly. "Don't leave" he mumbled. "When did you sneak into my bed" I asked while tracing his arm tattooes. "Last night some time, I made sure you were asleep before I came in" he said in his morning voice. He coughed it away which made a frown appear. "Oh, sorry I forgot you love my morning voice" he smirked them got up after I finally escaped from his grip.

"So have you been working on any music yet" Jai asked as he fiddled with my hands. "Yeah, I'm almost ready to release my album" I replied. "Are you serious, what date" he asked. "Well next week, I think the 25th" I answered. "That's amazing I'm so happy and proud of you" he kissed my temple and I rested on his chest. "Will I be out by then" I asked softly. "Yeah, I'll make sure of it, I'm gonna kill him" he said and I knew he would be safe. Jai never loses these things. I smiled and before I knew it, I was dreaming in my sleep.

Hey guys there aren't many chapters left. I wanted to make this book shorter than the first one and I know how I want to end it. Thanks  for reading this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it 💜💜💜

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