Harry: "Dear Diary...Today Ron claimed to not know what a 'Bossom' was and I was worried about his sustainability...Is that a word? I have no idea...I was like 0-0 when I caught him PUTTING ON HERMIONIE'S MASCARA!'
Ron: *Reading Harry's diary* "Oh....I better tell Harry the truth"
Harry: *Humming Hedwig's theme*
Ron: "Harry"
Harry: *turns in slow motion* what Ron?
Ron: "We've been friends for such a long time and...i want to tell you that I...
Harry: "Eh? What Ron?"
Ron: "I...I"
Ron: I DATED---
*Dear Reader...*
Sorry! a cliff hanger has occured! Please tell me who you think Ron dated below and don't forget to vote!
Harry Potter and The Deadly Marshmallows!
HumorThere is no description, think of it however you want , , '"\_ ,/", \.'\_ ,/ ,/ \.'\_ ,/ ,/ \.'\_ _/ ,/ \ {0v0} /-----hoot! \ / +==""==+