Harry's Diary

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Harry: "Dear Diary...Today Ron claimed to not know what a 'Bossom' was and I was worried about his sustainability...Is that a word? I have no idea...I was like 0-0 when I caught him PUTTING ON HERMIONIE'S MASCARA!'

Ron: *Reading Harry's diary* "Oh....I better tell Harry the truth"

Harry: *Humming Hedwig's theme*

Ron: "Harry"

Harry: *turns in slow motion* what Ron?

Ron: "We've been friends for such a long time and...i want to tell you that I...

Harry: "Eh? What Ron?"

Ron: "I...I"


Ron: I DATED---

*Dear Reader...*

Sorry! a cliff hanger has occured! Please tell me who you think Ron dated below and don't forget to vote! 

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