Chp 4: Finally

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"So your gonna torture me until I give you information?" I ask.

"Yeah!" Mc.Fist yells, then the sorcerer disappears.

"Just stay still. I gotta attach these cords on you." Viceroy says.

I can barely move. So I can't really slap him or anything.

He puts suction cups like things on my head, my legs, my arms and my chest.

"I will never give you any kind of information." I say.

"Oh really? I think you will after we're done." Viceroy says giggling.

He grabs a remote and presses a button. Then I feel pain in my entire body. It's tolerable. But it still hurts.

"And that was only level 1." He says.

"I'm still not going to give you any information!" I yell.

Then he shocks me again and the pain is much worse.

"Ahh!" I yell.

"So?" Mc.Fist asks.

"No." I say.

"Mc.Fist, just go play with Bash or something. I'll deal with her." Viceroy says.

"I swear- I'm not- The ninja." I say, having to take breaths in between every other word.

"We're not gonna stop until you tell us the information we want." Viceroy says.

He keeps shocking me for about four hours. It's probably around 9 right now.

"Don't you have to go to sleep?" I whisper, I can't talk normally because of how much pain this guys putting me through.

And for what?

To destroy the ninja!

"I can stay up all night. We'll kill you if we have too." He says.

I roll my eyes and he notices. So he clicks the button and I scream out in pain once again.

Now it's 6am. We've been up all night. He's made sure that I don't pass out or go to sleep because of how much he wants this info.

This is getting too much. I can't even think.

"I'll give you a deal. If you kill the ninja. Then I'll let you go." He says.

"No." I manage to say.

He keeps on doing it until 9. Which means I'm late for school.

Hopefully Randy will notice somethings happened and come save me.

But what's the odds of that happening?

It's not like he cares right?

I do something I never thought I'd do.

I start to cry.

"Awe, is baby crying?" Viceroy whines

I keep quiet and continue to cry.

I can't take this anymore.

My mind is broken.

At this point I'll do anything for him to stop.

"Vic-" I start.

"Smoke bomb!" The ninja yells and appears in front of me.

"What did you do?" He says looking at me.

"Why would I tell you?" Viceroy asks.

He kicks Viceroy back and pulls the cords off of me. The slices the locks and I fall out of the chair.

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