Chp 24: Der Monster Klub

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A/N: Didn't think I was gonna update? Well I am! Two chapters in one day! After all it's New Years...and for the people who wanted to be in the book, I'm starting to put them in right now! So every new character should be in bye chapter 40. I'm planning to make this book have around 50 chapters. Anyways, here's your chapter!

"I'm glad you could join us today! At out monster klub!" Julian says as I sit down on their table.

I turns out Theresa's in the club too. Sorry, klub. Along with Juggo and Dave.

"Since we have a special guest today...why don't we play something different? 10 confessions!" Julian asks.

I'm gonna make up something good.

"How about 3 confessions?" I ask.

"No." Julian rolls his eyes.

"2?" I ask.


"1! Take it or leave it!" I ask.


If he still remembers how to stank people this will not go good...

"We will go around in a circle and I guess I'll go first. Then Theresa then Dave then Richelle then Juggo." Julian says.

"My first confession...I have a crush on...Theresa..." Julian blushes.

"What?" Theresa asks.

"I like you Theresa..." Julian says.

"Julian I like somebody else I'm sorry. We can still be friends." Theresa says.

Boom! Friend-zoned.

He's gonna be heartbroken. Get stanked. I'm gonna have to defeat him. Well I haven't seen any action in the past couple days so this'll be good to watch.

"What?" Julian asks.

"She said no." I shrug.

"What why?" Julian asks.

"She likes somebody else." I say.


"I don't know."

He runs off crying and I sit back and wait for him to run into the cafeteria.

After a couple minutes he finally runs out, in monster form of course.

"Finally!" I say and hide behind a table and put my mask on then I teleport in front of Julian.

"I haven't seen any action is a while so you better put up a fight." I say.

Randy smoke bombs into the cafeteria.

"You got Charlie yet?" I yell.

"Will you let that go?" He laughs.

"Probably not." I mutter.

"So it's Julian. We just gotta destroy his hat." Ninja says.

"Theresa!" Julian runs up to Theresa and grabs her.

"What did he do?"

"Julian's likes Theresa." I whisper to him.

"Oh my ninja." Ninja says.

"So Theresa either has to friend-zone him, but nicely. Or date him." I say.

Julian hits Theresa against a wall. "Hey ninja! Stop flirting with Flare and help me!"

I can see Randy blushing under the mask.

I teleport behind Julian and grab him by my scarf and pin him down.

"Theresa! Friend zone him. But like, super sugar coat it." I say.

"Julian. I really like you. But not in that way. Your a great guy and I just want to ask you if we could just be friends?" Theresa says then Julian destanks.

"Well it's been a pleasure helping you guys but I really must go." I say then teleport outside and take off my mask.

When I'm at my locker getting my stuff for forth period Randy walk up to me.

"Richelle can we talk?" Randy asks then the bell rings.

"What is it?" I ask.

He holds my hand and closes his eyes.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"They say you can't force love but maybe you can. With help of a little art of love."

I try to break free of Randy's hand but he's too strong, he must be really concentrating.

"You better not be trying to make me fall in love with because I-" I start but get cut off by Randy opening his eyes.

His eyes turn pink and all he does is stare at me.

I'm frozen. I can't move at all.

I can't even feel my own body. All I can do is stare at him.

Is he drugging me?

Or is it just his forbidden art of love?

If it's forbidden Randy you don't use it. It could have a lot of bad side effects.

Now I can't even think. All I'm doing is staring into his pink eyes.

"You love me Richelle. You always have." He says.

"I- I love you." I say before passing out.

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