Chp 18: My first real fight

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A/N: So I made a new cover for the book and it took me forever to you guys like it? I don't care if you like it or you don't cause it's here to stay! ^___^

It's Thursday and the dance is tomorrow.

I'm really exited but at the same time I'm also really nervous to.

There's going to be so much drama there...

So much last minute dance requests getting turned down.

I'm going to have to fight so many monsters today.

"Richelle?" Ter asks.

"What?" I ask.

"I was asking you if you were exited for the dance?" He asks.

"Yeah. I guess so. I mean, it's just a dance." I shrug.

"Just a dance? Richelle. A dance brings out the best and the worst in people. If anything, a dance is magical." Ter says.

"I forgot you were originally a girl." I roll my eyes.

"Can guys not be exited about dances?" Ter asks.

I shrug.

"Hey Terrance! Can I talk to you...alone?" Heidi walks up to us.


Well I better be ready to talk on a raging Heidi monster.


Oh no.

Not this again.

"What do you want Bash?"

"Go to the dance with me!" He yells.

"And why would I do that?" I laugh.

"Because, I don't have anyone else to go with?" He yells, this time in my face.

"No." I say.

"You reject me a second time?" He punches me in the face.

"You have the guts to punch me? Punch me again and I'll-" he shoves me into a locker.

I can feel my eyes glowing red with means I'm getting to angry.

Whatever it's not like I care.

I run up to him and tackle him. Then I start punching him until he blacks out. By that time a whole crowd has gathered around us.

"Think again before you start a fight with me." I say before walking away and avoiding the stares I get from bystanders.

"Richelle Nom please head down to the office this instant!" I hear ten minutes later on the announcements.

All I do is laugh as I walk down.

"Why would you beat up a student?" Slimz says as I walk in to see Bash with two black eyes and a bruised face and...Mc.Fist.

"He pushed me into a locker and punched me because I rejected him." I say.

"She made me black out!" Bash yells.

"We do not allow fighting at this school. And for your punishment I will not allow any of you to go to the dance tomorrow!" Slimz says.

"I will do anything to go to the dance tomorrow. I already have a date and...uhh..." I say.

"I will allow you to go to the dance one on condition! You clean my car!"

I start having a major laughing fit on the inside because his car is like his wife.

I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up marrying it in the future and it ends up driving itself away from him.

Yeah, that's how in love with it he is.

"No problem! Where's the wax and stuff?" I ask.

"In the closet."

"It'll be done in five minutes." I say, walk out of the class, then teleport me and the stuff to Slimz car.

Since the bell for 4th period just rang I have three minutes to get to class.

I can do this.

No ones out here so that must mean Bash went to class.

I use the ninja sprint to sprint around the car and wax and wash it.

It takes about two minutes to finish so I teleport the supplies back into Slimz closet and run inside.

I'm late to class again but I don't really care.

Of course I have a black eye, so after school I went into the bathroom to use some art of healing so I wouldn't have the thing.

Before I went to class so that's why I was even more late.

Then right when I walk in I see a bunch of monsters destroying the school.

"Finally!" I whisper before running down the hall and putting on mask in the bathroom.

I teleport outside and start de-stanking the things. There's about 30 monsters which means 30 people who probably just had their hearts broken because whoever they asked turned them down.

All I have to do is slice a necklace or piece of paper so it isn't that hard.

"Smoke bomb!" Ninja yells.

I've defeated almost half of them before Randy showed up.

Once we finish everyone starts cheering again.

"Flare who are you taking to the dance?!" A student asks.

"No one right now." I shrug.

"Ninja who are you taking?!" Another student asks.

"No one." He says.

"You need to take Flare!" A student yells.

Then everyone starts chanting Flinja.

"We are both already too busy rescuing everyone right now to think about the dance." I say.

"Awe..." The whole crowd pouts.

"Maybe next dance." Randy says before smoke bombing away.

I teleport away right after.

"What happened when you went down to the office?" Ter whispers to me as the teacher continues talking.

At least fighting those monsters took 20 minutes so there's only 40 minutes till class ends.

"I beat up Bash cause he punched me and shoved me against a locker. And that's because I rejected him." I whisper back.

"Well good job beating him up." Ter starts laughing.

"Terrance and Richelle! What is so funny? Tell us?" The teacher asks.

"We were laughing about how much we love learning!"

"Yeah learning is so bruce!" Ter says.

"Oh alright."

Yeah right learning sucks.

I hate school.

If it wasn't for all the drama here I would have left by now.

And as you can tell I love watching drama.

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