Chp 50: Hahaha. Die.

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"Well that was easier than I thought." I make myself reappear.

"Believe me. I'm as confused as you are Richelle." Viceroy stands up and brushes the dust off himself.

"Oh so now you don't hate me? I thought you would have run away knowing I could kill you any moment." I say.

"I never wanted to kill you Richelle. I wanted to invent life. That was my goal. I was simply making money in the process." He shrugs.

"Life?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah. You know. Clones."

"Sounds hard. Well good luck with that. I suggest you run away now before I kill you like I will to Amanda." I say then he takes something out of his coat, presses a button and it turns into a jet pack.

He then flies away.

"One down. Two to go." I say.

I make my hand on fire and I sneak up behind Mc.Fist and slap him, it sends him flying and he hits a building.

"Nice one!" Ivory yells from the top of the building Mc.Fist hit.

"What took ya so long!" Nichelle yells as Ivory jumps down, shooting water directly at the ground to cushion her fall.

"I was trying to get everybody out of Norisville. What happened while I was gone?"

"Well, two people were killed, Terrance was too but he doesn't count." Rebecca says.

"Guys a little help!" Randy yells.

He's getting cornered by Mc.Fist and Amanda.

Nichelle shoots ice crystals at Mc.Fist and Drex shoots fire at Amanda.

""This is where it stops. This is where it ends. If you want to get past us. Well, you better try again." Drex says.

"Your never going to beat us you know that right?" Justin asks.

"Cause I think we're stronger than you last time I checked." I say.

"But no matter how we stall you...You don't give up your attack. Do you just like the feeling? Of your sins crawling on your back?" Drex asks.

"Nerd." I laugh.

"You should talk." Drex says.

"Hey I'm not the one who is saying song lyrics." I laugh.

"Well I'm not the one who knows what song it's from." Drex says.

"Drex I think everyone already knows I'm a nerd. Opposite of the ninja? So that means I'm smart."

"Hey!" Randy whines, I roll my eyes.

"You know really don't have to do this."

"Mc.Fist stop attacking...what do you mean Richelle?" Amanda asks.

"I mean. Why did you let all this power corrupt you. What ever happened to the other Amanda?" I ask.

"She died eight hundred years ago along with her mother." Amanda says.

"That doesn't give you right to kill of these innocent people."

"They deserve to die." Amanda says.

"No. They don't. Your only doing this because your angry. I get that." I say.

"Well you got me there. I'm angry at everyone else for not caring. She drowned Richelle. I was only 4. I didn't know what was going on. Everyone else just sat there and watched." She says.

"Maybe if you would just learn to move on we wouldn't be here."


"Come on. Put down the power balls, and maybe. Just maybe, you can have a second chance."

"You want me to spare you?" She asks.

"It's more me sparing you."

"Say I did. What would happen then?" She turns back into a human.

"Well. I could help you pick an apartment. You could get a job. Give up your immortality and live a normal life." I say.

"It does sound nice..." She says.

"It does doesn't it? What your doing now. It's not going to get you anywhere. So just give up your power balls." I slowly walk towards her.

"O-okay..." She takes her necklace and drops it.

I guess I really did get to her...

"Hehehe..." I giggle.

"What?" Amanda asks.

"Die." I summon a katana and stab her in the neck.

"Manipulation I love it." Nichelle says.

I step on the power balls and Amanda's ghost seems to appear.

"Thanks Richelle. Even if you did kill least I can be with Katsuo." Then the disappears.

"Ew. Her bloods all over my dress." I whine.

"You know you might get arrested right?" Ivory asks.

"Are there any cameras here? Is anyone watching? No. So I can't." I laugh.

"A psychopath I like it." Nichelle high fives me.

"Ew." She whines, wiping the blood off on her dress.

"I love how you were all like, hahaha die." Randy says.

"Well thanks you." I curtsy.

"I guess we only have one more to go." Ivory says.

"That's what it looks like." Rebecca says.

"This has been a lot easier than I thought." Drex says.

"That's what I'm afraid of..."

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