Chp 5: Back

425 27 9

I sprint back and knock on his door.

"You live here now Richelle, you don't have to knock." Riichi says.

"Yeah okay." I say.

"So where'd you live before here! I'm guessing Boston, because of the accent?" He asks.

"Oh I though you would've figured it out by now." I say.

"Figured out what?" He asks.

"When a ninjas not obeying the Nomicon or completely ignoring it. Then it creates an alternate personality. One that's the complete opposite. That's me. Once Randy finally realized how much of a jerk he was, the Nomicon was going to let him go. Long story short...after Randy defeated me I was trapped in that book and now I'm free, under the circumstances that I don't harm Randy in any way. And that I have to be a girl."

"I- What's the Nomicon?" He asks.

"Don't play dumb with me I know your the messenger. You were like, on of the first ninjas best friends." I say.

"You know your the first time the Nomicon's ever created an alternate personality right?" He asks.

"No." I say.

"So do you know Randy?" He asks.

"He's pretty chill. Except for that one time when we were fighting about who would keep his body." I say.

"You don't hate him anymore?" Riichi asks.

"No. I've moved on. He's in the past now." I say.

"What's with the Tengu?" He asks.

"Oh...Tang? The Nomicon figured I could use some company." I say.

"Why'd it give you a Tengu of all things?" He asks.

I shrug. "So...did you know you were going to have me as your foster child or did you just want to have more info on Randy."

"The second one." He mumbles.

"Stalker." I mumble.

Luckily he doesn't here me.

"Since everyone has a Mc.Fist pad and can text...can I get one?" I ask.

"You can get an iPhone? Just let me clone mine for you." Riichi says.

I wonder why the Nomicon never taught Randy how to clone things? He'd probably miss use it. That's why!

He hands me my iPhone and I set it up.

Just when I'm abort to I here a knock on the door.

"Hey Randy." Riichi opens the door.

I put my phone in my back pocket and walk over.

"Hey Richelle." Randy says.


"Randy. Richelle is my new foster child." Riichi says.

"What happened to you? You weren't at school for the past few days? Are you sick or something?" Randy asks.

He's such I bad liar.

"I sprained my ankle. It's not as sore now but...I'll go to school tomorrow though." I say.

"Oh okay! So Howard wanted to know if you wanted to come play at the game hole with us? There's a Grave Punchers tournament today and-" He starts.

I know Howard didn't want me to come. Randy did. Awe does he have a crush on me?

"Sure. Where's Howard?" I ask.

"He's at his house. We'll meet him there." He says.

"So it's a date then?" I ask.

He blushes a bright pink. "No. It's just me and you hanging out as friends. Just friends."

"Okay. Well let's go." I say.

"Richelle-" Riichi starts.

"I'll be back by 11pm bye!" I slam the door.

"Did you bring money?" Randy asks.

"Nope did you?" I ask.

"No. We can get money from winning the tournament." He says.

"Oh yeah...which game is it for?" I ask.

"There's this new game that came out a week ago called Space Invaders and the Game Hole got the last copy. You put on a helmet and you can literally be, in the game. And there's also a tv screen where people can watch you play." He says.

"You seem to know a lot about this game."

"Yeah Im obsessed with them. I've never played this game. It'll be everyone's first time playing. But from what I've heard you get to pick what you look like and you pick a super power too." Randy says.

He keeps talking about this new game and before I know it we're at the game hole.

We walk up to Howard who is the last person in line to sign up for the tournament.

"Why did to have to bring her!" He whines.

"Because I wanted to see how bad she would do at that game?" Randy laughs.

"Hey I'm much better at video games then you. Heck, I got the high-score in Grave Punchers 3. Howard was there. Howard?" I ask.

And that slipped out. It was one of the only things I did while I was Randy. Play Grave Punchers. I got the high-score. My picture is up there...but it's actually Randy's face.

"You just moved here. How can you get the high-score?" Randy asks.

"Yeah...and I never came here with you." Howard says.

"I meant in Boston I had a friend named Howard and I got the high-score there." I say. "But I will beat you for sure at this tournament."

"Well look who it is. Randy and Howard. You boys ready to sign up for the gaming tournament? Prize is 1000$." Greg says, handing Randy and Howard each a sign up sheet for the tournament.

"1000$ are you serious! Randy think of all the stuff you could buy me with that money!" Howard says excitedly.

Randy rolls his eyes.

"Where's my form?" I ask.

"Your a newbie huh? Well good luck! And when your playing remember to buy food from Greg's food hole!" Greg says, giving me a form.

I take it and make a pencil appear in my hand.

Name: Richelle Nom

Gamer name: richellethegreatandpowerfulpotato

Pick three powers of your choice:

1. Water bending

( 2. Fire bending )

3. Flight

4. Invisibility

5. Ice breath

6. Telekinesis

7. Super strength

8. Laser fingers

( 9. Shape shifting )

( 10. Teleporting )

11. Mega punch

12. Mind controlling aliens

I'm going to win this thing

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