Chp 41: Just like old times

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After we go to sleep, at about 1am Nichelle wakes me up.

"Richelle." She whispers.

"What the juice do you want?" I sit up.

"I need to talk to you I have an idea. Meet me in the hallway." Nichelle then walks out.

"Well this can't be good." I whisper.

Considering Nichelle wakes me up at 1am because she has an 'idea'.

Yeah, must not be good.

"Okay what's your idea?" I ask after closing the door.

"So it's twin day tomorrow right?" She asks.

"Actually. It's today." I say.

"Well same thing-" She starts.

"It's really not the same thing-"

"As I was saying. So you wanted to twin with Randy right?" She asks.

"Yeah..." I say.

"I have an even better idea."

"Kill me now." I whisper.

"Hey it's a really good idea." She says.

"Fine let's here it." I say.

"So you use puking poke on Randy. Making him stay home tomorrow. Then, you use the art of disguise to look like him. I'll teach you how to change your voice and then you go to school as him. It'll be just like old times. But you better pray that there's no monster attacks." Nichelle says.

"Wow Nichelle, that sounds...too fun of an idea to turn down." I giggle.

"Okay meet me in the park and I'll teach you how to change your voice." The teleports away.

I make a dark brown coat with fur on the hood, black leggings, and brown boots appear on me.

I then teleport to the park. I see someone sitting on the bench and I'm guessing it's Nichelle.

I try to adjust my night vision and now I can see her, yep, it's Nichelle.

"So how do I change my voice?" I ask.

"Just imagine your words coming out of the persons mouth." Nichelle says. "Like this." She imitates me.

"Freaky. But cool." I say.

Okay I might as well try.

"Hello. My name is Randy Cunningham and I think I'm the brucest guy in the school just because I'm the ninja." I say in his voice.

"Great impression." Nichelle laughs.

"Okay I guess I'll see you in the morning?" I yawn.

"Yeah see ya." The yawns then teleports away.

What I'm about to do next will be pretty stalkerish but I don't really care haha.

I teleport to Randy's room, turning myself invisible so he doesn't see.

I walk towards him and he turns to face me, still sleeping, the blanket falls to the ground.

All he's wearing is his red boxers.

He has a six pack...probably from all the ninja stuff he does.

"Oh your so cute when your sleeping." I whisper.

Before I know it's been ten minutes of me starring at him and blushing.

What am I doing I need to focus.

Cue mental face palm.

I use the puking poke and he wakes immediately and runs off. I follow him to his bathroom and he throws up.

My work here is done.

Then I teleport away.

The next day I don't walk to school with anybody I leave early.

I hide behind a bush and use the art of disguise to look exactly like Randy.

I don't put my hood up because that would totally give it away to Howard.

I stop at Randy's locker and pic the lock. When it finally opens I make sure to memorize his schedule.

Once everyone gets to school there's ten minutes till the bell rings.

"Sup Howard?" I turn around and close Randy's locker, since Randy and Howard's lockers are right beside each other all I do is turn around.

"Cunningham. So how's things with that Richelle chick?" He asks.

So Randy's been talking about me?

"Good I guess." I shrug.

"Oh really? Because last time I checked she rejected you. I still don't get what you see in her." Howard says.

"Well what do you think of her?" I raise an eyebrow.

"She's nice I guess. I mean, since she's NomiRandy, I don't like her that much. But I can deal with it. The girls actually kinda nice once you get to know her." Howard says.

"Yeah I guess." I shrug again. Then Drex walks up to us.

"Sup Drex." Howard says.

"Hi." He says quietly.

"So have you hacked P.Slims computer yet?" Howard asks.

Since when can Drex hack? He must be really smart.

"Yeah I did." He laughs. "Left a...interesting message."

Then in cue Heidi's MeCast turns on, we look at the tv right on the wall beside us.

"Hey it's your fav girl Heidi here with P.Slimmy. So, whats the dilly?" She asks Slimz.

"Well someone hacked my computer last night. Left a message on the school website, and the schools Facebook."

"Let's see here. Okay I found it! Guys I'll put screenshots on the screen." Heidi goes in her phone and then two pictures show up in the screen.

Ones of a message on the website it says, "Give us gravy fries tomorrow or face the consequences."

The other one, on the schools Facebook, says, "I ensure you, you will not have a good time if we don't get the gravy fries."

"Well Slimz! Will you give the students their gravy fries? Or face the consequences?"

"I will not give anything to anyone! Hacking is not allowed at school! Whoever did this will be caught."

Drex then snaps his fingers, making a huge boulder smash Slimz car. Slimz looks out the window and squeals. Then Drex makes the boulder disappear.

"Okay fine! You'll get your gravy fries..." Slimz says.

Everyone starts cheering then Heidi says some other gossip then turns off the MeCast.

"Nice one Drex." I high-five him.

"So Drex..." Howard smirks.

"Yes?" Drex asks.

"How's things with Nichelle?" Howard smirks even more and I end up smirking with him.

Mostly because I want to know if Drex likes her or not.

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