Chp 44: More confused then ever

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A/N: WARNING RANDELLE SHIPPERS. Oh and writing this chapter almost made me cry. JUST TELLING  YOU NOW.

"I wonder what he put on this USB?" I ask, looking at the small red USB Terrance gave me.

"There's only one way to find out." Rebecca says.

"Plug it into my computer." Ivory says.

I give Ivory the USB and she puts it in the computer. It's takes a minute to load then she downloads the data.

It's a video.

It's on pause on full screen.

I wonder what he's going to say?

Probably about wanting to kill me again or a threat.

She presses play.

"Wow...umm...the only reason I'm doing this is well...because I'm too chicken to say this all to your face." He looks at the camera.

"If you take the time to go through this whole video....well...I hope you'll understand."

"Alright well here you go..."

"Your so cute Richelle...and tiny. I just want to cuddle you up. Now I know what your tiny? But seriously Richelle? I'm an inch taller than you so your tiny to me." He laughs.

"Your really kind...even if you don't think so..."

"You always fight back, which I actually think is a good think."

"Your so carefree, you don't care what other people think about you." He smiles.

"Your smart...dependable."

"You have that pretty straight red hair that I can never get out of my head..." His eyes get teary.

"Your beautiful brown eyes that make my feel rumble inside..." He looks down and smiles.

"Whenever I see you smile...I could just blow up from blushing too much." He looks up and laughs.

"Too bad you never smile...just rarely I've seen you smile. It was the most...exiting feeling in the world. Knowing I could make someone feel that way."

"Richelle...if you think everyone treats you different because of your past...I like you just the way you are."

"And sometimes I imagine...what if everyday she's smiling? I wouldn't make it without someone seeing me blush." He starts blushing.

"If you must know...when I met you my mission was to play you and then kill you. Yes I was playboy but when I really got to know you? All that changed." He gets teary eyed again.

"I know you'll find this creepy but I kinda stalked you." He laughs.

"I just couldn't go one day without seeing your beautiful self. Your beautiful Richelle, inside and out. Don't let anybody tell you different."

"It's gonna be tough to win you back...but even if it would take a lifetime, I'd still wait."

"I know your only scared. If you were mine I'd make sure your heart would never get hurt again."

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