Chp 16: Ter's first day

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A/N: Guys I need your opinion again! Do you or do you not ship Richelle + Terrance. Or do you ship Richelle + Randy. Basically what I'm asking is, do you like Terrelle or Rindy? Tell me here in the comments!

"You ready?" I ask.

"Nope. But let's go anyways.!" Ter says as we walk inside the front doors.

We receive a couple looks from people but not that many. Until Heidi walks up to us.

Seriously? Now?

"Hey...Rachel who's your friend?"

First Randy and now me? Really?

"I won't tell you unless you get my name right?" I roll my eyes.

"Fine. Richelle. Who's your friend?" She asks.

"Better. And his names Terrance." I say.

"Nice name. I like it." She makes a flirtatious face towards Ter.

He smirks at her and says, "You know my name know I have yet to know yours."

"It's Heidi." She blushes.

We walk away and start laughing.

"I can't believe she likes you." I say.

"She seems nice." Ter shrugs.

"Yeah I guess."

"So where's our first class?"


"Yeah." Ter says.

"Luckily for you it's right over there." I point to the Spanish room which is right down the hall from us.

"Do you have anything you wanna put in your locker?" I ask.

"Well I don't really have anything..."

"Oh yes you do. Did the Orange Nomicon teach you how to make things appear out of thin air?" I ask.

"No. I didn't know you could do that? Will you teach me? My locker is number 185."

We walk back to his locker but he doesn't open it yet.

"Focus your ninja energy or whatever, and then imagine the books appearing in your locker."

He tries to then he opens his locker. All the books he'll need for his classes are in there.

"High five!" I hold my hand up.

"Thanks Rich." He high fives me.

We walk to Spanish class and end up being two minutes late because someone needed to go to the bathroom!

Cough. Terrance. Cough.

"Ah Richelle. Late again I see." Ms.Jorge says.

"I was just showing Terrance around the school." I point to Ter.

"Oh it looks like we have a new student! Terrance pleas tell us about yourself!" Ms.Jorge says.

Cue every girl starring at him like he's some god.

"Well my names Terrance Icon. I used to live in London, England. And I like video games, and food, and winning. You can't go wrong with winning." Ter laughs.

"Thank you for the introduction Terrance. You can take a seat beside Richelle."

I walk to the back of the room where I sit, there's one empty desk beside me that Terrance sits in.

Spanish class is so boring.

It's twenty minutes into the class and I'm almost asleep.

"Richelle! What is don't sleep in class in French?" Ms.Jorge yells.

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