Chp 15: School groups

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"Okay-" Ter starts.

"No talking while the teacher is speaking." I glare at Ter.



He stays quiet.

"As I was saying...first there's the popular jocks. Or popu-jocks as I call them. They are the boys who play on all the sports teams. They are the kings of the school. They usually go for freshmen to pick on but occasionally they'll chose sophomores. Aka, us. They never go for juniors or seniors because most of their group consists of them. They are the bullies, but you shouldn't worry about them. We're much stronger and smarter than them."

"Next is the band geeks. Or the beeks for short. Anyone who is in the school band is is their friend group. These are the people that are mainly targeted by the popu-jocks. Most people in this group are nerds. Or are obsessed with something. It could be their instrument, an animal, or a person. It is very rare that someone in this group would become popular. Steven is the only known beek to ever become popular. I suggest you stay clear of them. It would ruin your reputation. If your social reputation is what you want."

"Then there's the dancers/rappers. The dancers are mainly girls and the rapper are mostly guys. All boys in this group are very popular and so are the girls. So if you want to be considered popular and cool? I suggest you chose this group. Most of these people have failed at least 1 class and most of them are in there 5th year. But for some? They're in their 7th. If you wanna be smart. Don't chose this group."

"Next there's the social butterflies. All are girls. Unless your a famous pop star? You have to be a girl to fit into this group. Most people in this group are cheerleaders, have a famous me-cast, are reporters, or spread gossip around the school. To fit into this groups you must first have at least three friends on each group. If you get into this group you have garnered popularity for the rest of your highschool life. But do you want all that attention? Will popularity comes a price. People will get jealous of your popularity. They will start rumours about you. But if attention is what you want then fine."

"Are you done?" Ter asks.

"No. I still have plenty more groups to tell you about."

"As I was saying before I got so rudely group is the outcasts. These people have little to no friends. No one notices them at school. Their friends are mostly of the opposite gender. Although they have no friends they are happy the way they are."

"Last group. The mixed. I consider this group the best one. They don't fit into any of the other groups. They are friends with a lot of people. No one hates them but no ones really fiends with them either. They likes all kinds of things and can be unpredictable. Some get bullied by the popu-jocks but they get through it. An example of this group is Howard and Randy."

"So what do you think we are?" Ter asks.

"We Ter...are a whole different group."

"I can see that."

There are a lot of other small groups I'm just too lazy to say them.

"What happened on your first days of school?" Ter asks.

"I was friends with Randy. Then I got kidnaped and tortured by a guy named Mc.Fist. Then got kidnaped again, Randy found out my identity. I decided to make my own ninja mask. Called myself Flare. Then I met you."

"You made yourself a ninja mask?" Ter raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah. With Tang." I say.

Then on cue Tang flies out of my closet and lands on my shoulder.

"How'd you get that?"

"The red ninjas Nomicon let me have it."

"He's cute."

"Yeah. I still have more to tell you about."

"Okay." Ter says.

"The guy I mentioned earlier named Mc.Fist? He wants to destroy the ninja. But here's the thing. He's a loved billionaire who runs the town. There's no mayor or police department. There's the ninja and Mc.Fist. Mc.Fist owns almost everything in the town."

"So how's the sorcerer?" Ter asks.

"Oh yeah...Randy defeated him last year but another one escaped from escaped from the land of shadows so I have no idea when she'll strike."

"Alright. If she hasn't attacked yet then she won't for a while."

"True." I say.

"I can't wait to go to school."

"I can just taste the sarcasm with that one."

"Well thank you very much I try." Ter bows.

"Your welcome sir." I curtsy.

"We're so weird." Ter starts laughing.

"Indeed we are." I laugh with him.

"You know what we should do now?"

"What?" Ter smirks.

"Have a dance off!"

"What song?" Ter asks.

"You pick." I hand him my iPhone so he goes to YouTube and picks a song.

"What do you mean? Ohh ohh ohh, When you nod your head yes, But you wanna say no, What do you mean?"

"Seriously?" I pause it.


"Let's do this!"

"Hey yeah, When you don't want me to move, But you tell me to go, What do you mean? Ohh, What do you mean? Said we're running out of time, What do you mean? Ohh ohh ohh, What do you mean? Better make up your mind, What do you mean? You're so indecisive of what I'm saying, Trying to catch the beat, make up your heart, Don't know if you're happy or complaining, Don't want for us to end, Where do I start. First you wanna go to the left and you want to turn right, Wanna argue all day, make love all night, First you up then you're down and then between,Ohh I really want to know...What do you mean? Ohh ohh ohh, When you nod your head yes, But you wanna say no, What do you mean? Hey yeah, When you don't want me to move, But you tell me to go, What do you mean? Ohh, What do you mean? Said we're running out of time, What do you mean? Ohh ohh ohh, What do you mean? Better make up your mind, What do you mean?You're overprotective when I'm leaving, Trying to compromise but I can't win, You wanna make a point but you keep preaching, You had me from the start, won't let this end, First you wanna go to the left then you want to turn right, Wanna argue all day, make love all night, First you're up then you're down and then between, Ohh, I really wanna know...What do you mean? Ohh ohh ohh, When you nod your head yes, But you wanna say no, What do you mean? Hey yeah, When you don't want me to move, But you tell me to go, What do you mean? I want to know...Oh, What do you mean? Ohhh, Said we're running out of time, What do you mean? Oh baby, Ohh ohh ohh, What do you mean, Better make up your mind, What do you mean? Ohh ohh ohh (This is ours baby, yeah) When you nod your head yes! But you wanna say no! What do you mean?(You're so confusing baby) Hey yeah, When you don't want me to move. But you tell me to go, What do you mean?(Be more straight forward) Ohh, What do you mean? Give it back back back) Said we're running out of time What do you mean? Give it back back back, Ohh ohh oh, What do you mean? Better make up your mind What do you mean?"

We dance the whole time and sing as loud as we can.

"Justin Beiber? Really?" Riichi opens the door.

"Terrance picked it."

"Really?" Riichi asks.

"Yeah." Ter shrugs.

Riichi shuts the door.

"Your great." I laugh.

"I know." Ter winks at me.

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