Chp 25: I'm stuck in my own mind

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I wake up in a pitch black room that only has a tv.

And it shows me? In class?

Am I in the Nomicon or?

No the Nomicon looks too old fashioned. This is my mind.

Randy's gone too far. He drugged me.

Well he used the art of love but still!

The tv turns on and it shows me in class.

I'm in class clinging to Randy like a lost puppy.

All I do in stare at him.

"Randy I swear when I get out of here your dead." I say.

I look around the room but there's no windows or doors.

Luckily I don't have this class with Theresa or else she'd rage! And then turn into a monster.

After school is over I'm just thankful I haven't kissed Randy yet.

Then Theresa would hate me.

Randy takes me to his house but on the way Terrance stops us.

"Yo Terrance! Randy drugged me! Help!" I yell.


Might as well sit on a chair while I'm here.

Then a bean bag chair appear in front of me.

I shrug and sit down to watch.

"Hey guys where are you going?" Ter asks.

"Oh I'm going to Randy house." I say.

You know what? That's not even me saying it?

It's drugged Richelle. Lovey Dovey Richelle.

Ima call her Lichelle.

"Oh cool can I come?" Ter asks.

"No it's just me and Randy." Lichelle says, staring at Randy with dreamy eyes.

"Alright." Ter says and walks away.

"Terrance you shoob listen to me! That's not me! Well it is but I was drugged! Well, Randy hypnotized me to love him or whatever!" I yell.

"Do you want to meet my parents?" Randy asks.

"Sure!" Lichelle smiles.

Randy and Lichelle walk into Randy's house and are greeting by his mom.

"Hey mom this is Richelle. And Richelle, this is Sarah, my mom." Randy says.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Sarah." Lichelle shakes hands with Randy's mom.

"So are you two dating?" Sarah asks.

"Yes actually we are." Randy says.

"Awe that's so sweet." Sarah says then Lichelle gives Randy a kiss on the cheek.

"That's it I'm gonna kill him." I say.

"Let's go up to my room and play grave punchers." Randy says.

Him and Lichelle run up stairs to his room and start playing grave punchers.

This goes on for about a week.

Randy and Lichelle are dating. Theresa hates Lichelle's guts. Lichelle ignores Terrance.

This is destroying my life.

And for what?


Love destroys you.

I've been so bored in this room I just want to get out.

"Let me out." I scream.

"You know what! I know I won't be able to get out of here. But I can at least try!" I yell.

"This is the art of love. Do I have to confess my love?"

The lights finally turn on.

"I want to date Randy. I really do. But it's so hard. After all we've been through. I feel like I've grown closer to Terrance. I love both of them. But I have to chose."

"You know what? When I get out of here! I'll chose one! I'll date one! You happy?" I ask.

A hole opens up and I fall out of the room.

I wake up in Randy's arms on his couch and the movie Home Alone is playing.

"Randy?" I ask.

"Yeah babe?" He asks.

You know what? I'm gonna pretend for now. I'll lead him out into the forest then I'll kill him.

I won't kill him I'll just rage.

"It's a really nice day outside wanna go exploring in the forest?" I smile.

"Anything for you." He yawns.

We walk to the forest and once we're in far enough I talk to him.

"We need to talk." I say.

"You don't wanna break up with me do you? Because I think we both know we love each other." He says.

"You know I love you." I kiss him.

Then after I smack him and pin him down. After that I make rope appear and tie him to a tree. He puts up a fight but it's not that hard.

"What's going on?" He asks.

"You shoob you know what's going on!" I slap him.

"Oh no."

"Oh no is right! You had the guts to use the art of love on me! I was trapped in my mind for a week. It was so boring. Not saying my mind is boring but you get my point. I want answers Cunningham." I walk up to him.

"You know how I feel about you. The day of the dance. When you kissed me. I realized I liked you back. I only used the art of healing because I wanted to ensure that you liked me."

"You know what? I thought I liked you. But your not the one who's supported me. Your not the one who's actually been my friend for the past month." I say.

"Then who has?" Randy asks.

"Terrance. I like him. More than you. He's been way nicer to me than you ever have."

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