Chp 17: Dates to the dance

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A/N: The one on the right is Terrance and the one on the left is Richelle! This art is by FoxNinja360 you should totally go follow them the person makes awesome books! ^~^

I walk up to Randy who has his back turned to Howard.

"Hey Randy."

"Do you mind? I'm trying to talk to Howard right now." Randy glares at me.

"Well before I go...I have a question."

"Shoot." Randy says.

"Will you take Theresa to the neon dance this Friday."

"I uhh..."

"Don't 'I uhh' me, have you forgotten I know everything about you? Well yeah, I know you like her too, just say yes."

"Y-y-yes." Randy says.

And...his face is a tomato now.

I run back to Theresa to tell her.

"What did he say?" She blushes.

"He said yes!" I squeal.

"Omg!" She squeals with me then starts blushing.

"And by the way, he likes you back. Take my advice, ask him out, you'd make an adorable couple." I say.

"Yeah maybe...anyways, who are you taking to the dance?" Theresa smirks.

"No one right now." I shrug.

"Girl, we need to find you a date." Theresa drags me off to Debbie's locker.

"Debbie! Richelle doesn't have a date to the dance!" Theresa practically screams in Debbie's ear.

"Well we need to find her one." Debbie says.

"Well who are you taking?" I ask Debbie.

"Howard." She blushes.

They would not make a good couple. I mean maybe...they're both short.

"Your perfect for each other your both short!" I laugh.

"Shut up." She looks away.

"Okay okay."

"So who do you like?" Theresa asks.

"No one." I shrug.

"Hey who's Terrance taking?" Debbie smirks.

"Probably Heidi. She has the biggest crush on him."

"Hey Richelle!"

"Here he is now. Now go ask him!" Debbie pushes me into Terrance.

"They want me to ask you to the dance." I laugh.

"Well do you want to go with me? I mean, nobody else has asked me."

"If you want." I shrug.

"I guess so."

"But I am not slow dancing." I fake barf.

"Same." Ter rolls his eyes. "So it's a date then. Look at us. We'll be dating before we know it."

"Don't get your hopes up." I smirk.

"Terelle is real Rich." Ter says.

"That's our ship name?" I laugh.

"Apparently." Ter shrugs.

"Well I gotta go back to meh girls." I say then walk away.

"What did he say." Debbie smirks.

"He said yes." They all squeal.

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