Chp 38: I jinxed it

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A/N: So I might not be able to publish a chapter once a day. Cause I'm busy with school and exams are in like, a week. I'll try to publish a chapter once every 2-7 days. Hey, at least I'm publishing a chapter at all. But here back to the story...

So I went through the whole training thing and it's Sunday, my first day on the job.

All the uniform is, is a blue apron.

I do the job of taking people's orders and reporting back to the cooks.

"Hello welcome to Charlie Cluckers Chicken Bucket may I take your order?" I ask, not as enthusiastically as Charlie would want.

"Umm...can I have a hotdog with extra mustard and a small rootbeer?"

"Oh and can I have the same thing?"

It's a couple, probably about 20.

"Coming right up." I smile.

Oh how I hate this job.

I guess I'll have to deal with it if I want to get paid.

I deliver the order to the cooks.

"Richelle can you do table 12? They just walked in. I'm delivering table 5's meals so I can't go to them right now." Sophie, one of my coworkers asks. She looks about 14, she might be in grade nine.

"Sure thing Soph." I say.

I walk over and when I can see the table I face-palm.

I jinxed it.

Randy and Howard...and some random kid.

"I'll just walk over, and if they laugh, I'll just ignore them." I whisper to myself before walking over to their table.

"Welcome to Charlie Cluckers Chicken Bucket may I take your order?" I say, very sarcastically.

"Richelle?" Randy asks.

"This is great!" Howard pulls his phone out of his pocket and tries to take a picture but I use telekinesis to make Howard's phones get out of his hand and into mine.

"Have you forgotten that I still have...ah I found it! This." I show Howard the picture of him in the fairy costume.

Of course Randy start laughing.

I give him back his phone. Then he puts it in his pocket.

"You! Being a waitress? That's great." Howard laughs.

"If your done laughing I'd love to take your order." I roll my eyes.

"I'll have the double decker bacon cheese burger with two large blue slushies."

"Is that it?" I ask.

"I still need to order." Randy says.

"Then order." I laugh.

"I'll have the same thing as Howard." Randy says.

"What does your friend want?" I ask.

"Drex?" Howard asks.

So his name is Drex huh? Weird name.

Drex shrugs and plays on his phone.

"He'll have the same thing as us." Howard says.

I go back and report to the cooks, telling them Howard and Randy's order.

The rest of day goes by just like that, but with different people.

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