Chp 48: Lets do this thing

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A/N: It's getting near the end of the book...sad right. Yeah kind of. But the good thing is there WILL be a sequel. I will not put out the name yet. You guys can give me suggestions for it if you want. I will give more details at the end of the book. Anyways, here's the chapter!

"Drex. You come with me. I'll protect you while you try to hack every computer after that-" I start.

"Why can't I go with Drex." Nichelle whines.

"I need you and Randy to stall Amanda. I figured we can use your sassiness to our advantage." I say.

"Justin and Rebecca. Your in-charge of finding Mc.Fist and Viceroy." I say.

"What can I do?" Ivory asks.

"Ivory wait till Drex hacks everything, you'll know when you see it. When you do, make sure everyone gets out of Norisville."

"Done and done!" Ivory says.

"Where is Randy?" Rebecca asks.

"Smoke bomb!" Randy yells then appears behind me.

"Did someone call?" Randy asks.

"No we called for Randy." Rebecca says.

"Girl he is Randy." I grab his mask and take it off.

"Hey give it back." Randy tries to get it but he can't.

He then kisses me, making me stop and blush, while we kiss he grabs the mask.

"Well that was easy." Randy laughs then puts the mask back on.

"Awe." Ivory says.

"This is totally the cutest Randelle moment so far." Nichelle says.

"Stop it." I punch Nichelle.

"What you guys are cute." She says.

"Just shut up okay?" I ask.

"Fine fine." Nichelle rolls her eyes.

"Randy your gonna need to stall Amanda with Nichelle." I say.

"Yay we can talk about how much I ship Randelle." Nichelle says.

"Remember. Meet at the fountain. Now go!" I say before we all scatter and I run off with Drex.

"Drex where's your computer?" I say when we run out of the school.

"Back at home. On the couch. It has a bunch of stickers on the front." He says, I hold his hand and teleport to the living room.

He runs over and immediately goes on his laptop.

I sit on he opposite end of the couch with my legs crossed.

"How long is it going to take?" I ask.

"An hour probably."

"Why an hour?"

"Well since Mc.Fist owns everything. Viceroys the one who does security with the things. Knowing him he didn't want any people hacking into things. So I'm thinking it'll be really hard. I mean, if I'm lucky it'll take twenty minutes at the least." Drex explains.

After ten minutes Riichi walks into the room with Tang flying beside.

"'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play! And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate! Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake! I shake it off, I shake it off." Riichi sings.

I start laughing and Drex giggles a little bit but his focus remains on the computer.

"Tang come here bud." I say then tang flies over and lands in my shoulder.

"Now what was that?" I laugh.

"I uhh...why are you even here?" Riichi asks.

"Well if you watched Heidi's MeCast the sorceress is attacking Norisville right now. Drex is trying to hack every screen in the city so I can tell everyone to evacuate."

"Oh I have just the thing for that, bring Tang over here." Riichi says.

"Oh...Kay?" I say before walking over.

"Close your eyes." He says.

So I do. The next thing I know I have a headache and I fell like I'm going to faint.

"You can open your eyes now." Riichi says.

When I open my eyes the headache stops. I look over my shoulder and Tang is gone.

"Here." He hands me a small mirror.

"Why the juice do you have a mirror in your pocket?" I ask.

"Just look at it." He says.

I look into the mirror and I have...birds eyes?

The pupil looks like a cats and its black. The part of my eye that is usually white, is red.

I think it's called a sclera.

"What the juice." I drop the mirror and it breaks.

"Well Tang is a Tengu. Tengu's are spirits right? I put Tangs spirit into yours. Of course he'll be able to come out but only if you let him." Riichi says.

"Thanks I guess-" I start.

"I'm done! Richelle your live!" Drex says and points the camera on the computer at me.

I pull out my phone to see if I am live and I can't even turn on my phone it just shows me.

I walk up to the camera.

"Listen here Norisville. I don't have much time. Incase you don't know my name is Richelle. I have superpowers if you don't already know."

"There is a sorceress attacking the town. You all need to get out. Now! Evacuate the town. Me and the ninja will defeat her and then we'll come get you. Go! Now!" I say then Drex types something into his computer.

He closes it then gets up.

"We better go." I say.

"Good-luck." Riichi says before I hold Drex's hand again and teleport to the fountain.

I see the sorceress in her true form...




Ivory's still not here yet...

But what most surprises me is the fact that Mc.Fist and Viceroy have transformed into sorcerers too.

The sorcerers are all about ten feet tall.

Mc.Fist is holding a girl in one of his hands and Viceroy is holding a guy.

But back to the point...

Why the juice are Viceroy and Mc.Fist sorcerers!?!?!

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