16. Beach Part 2

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"Hey, wanna walk 'round here?" He asked me, while I texted my mom that I went to the beach with Ed.

"Sure, of course." I putted back my phone to my pocket. He helped me stood up. "Is it ok if we left our stuffs there?" I looked back to the place I rest my body with him while I'm leaving the place, I get worried.

"This is England, Alice. It's ok. " He tries to calm me out. I just nodded, and we keep continue our walk. Walked on the warm sand, with Ed, my hand on him, he wont let me go, I felt wanted.

"Sun almost goes down." I said, while we're just watching our feet steps on the warm sand, watching the waves, people surfing, and the sun that fits with his hair color.

"Yeah, let's watch it together."

"Let's go back then."

"No, not there. Just both of us." Just both of us. Ok, where is he gonna take me? We already walked really far from the place we sit. I need to rest my feet. I'm tired.

"I'm tired." I said, putted my hands on my knees and looked at him standing beside me.

"Come here," He took my hands and put it around his neck, and he start to lift up my body behind his back. He assume me.

"Ed I'm fat! I gained a lot of weights this past weeks!" I screamed when he assume me behind his back.

"No Alice, you're thin enough." He said, looking at me.

"But I-"

"Sshh, you're not fat."

"O..Ok.. Thanks." I still can't accept if I'm not fat.

"Don't be uptight, you're not heavy." I rest my head on his shoulder, and across my hands around his chest. Sometimes I looked at the sun, to see if the sun has goes down or not. I don't see anyone in here anymore. Just both of us.

"Let's just sit here." He said, drop me off to the sand full of pebbles around me. But then he walked a few steps away from me. I don't walk with him, because I'm way too tired. But then, he squat on the sand, I don't know what he's doing. He looks like making something, but I don't really care, I just want to rest my eyes. I keep watching waves trounce the cliff, and the sun that slowly will shine the other side of the world.

He came back to me, but he clench his both hands. I pretend not to see what he's holding.

He sits next to me. But then he sliding his body until my back. I tried to looked back but he kept put my face straight to the sun.

"Don't you know that sun is freaking bright?"

"I know." He replied with monotone.

He putted something, around my neck, a necklace. I held it, and staring at it while he tied the rope behind my neck.

"A heart pendant." He said, while tie the rope. "Sorry that's weird. I don't know what I'm thinking." Like usual, he's not confidence about things he made for me. I just laughed. And then rest my head on his chest.

"Thank you. I love it."

"Look, the sun is so beautiful isn't it?"

"Yea, just like your hair. Hahaha" I said laughing. "Ed" I added,


"Did you believe in love? I mean like, true love?" I should not asked this question, this fast. I mean, it's just happened, it just started, like 30 minutes ago.

"Sometimes, as long as you believe it." I keep quite, I don't really understand. "I mean, uh, as long as you understand each other and uh accept just the way we are." I nodded, I understand. "Don't you know that forever is so long, it means until we dead. Sorry if you don't agree with what I'm just saying. But that's kind of true." I nodded, again. He don't want to say 'forever'? But why? Is he not happy with me? "And I don't want to make a promise that I can't keep, like 'I will love you forever', but those roses, it means, I will love you in every ways, relationship, best friend, friend, sister, or anything. So example like, we're not together anymore, but I'll still love you in a best friend way, so is friend and sister. Unless you burn the fake rose haha. Unless you're let me down in the end of the relationship, but I don't know. I don't know what will happen. I'll try my best to keep nice to you, even you're already with another guy, yeah."

"Ok, that's awesome. They're all make sense." Though it makes me scared of losing him. I don't want to lose him, just like what Nina said to me while lunch, he's rare.  It makes me anxious.

"But I will love you the best I can, as long as I can." I nodded, "Just don't think about that! Let's having fun. Live you life as like I don't say them. Let's having fun and don't think about what will happen next as long as we still together." I nodded, agian. I can't say anything, I'm way too anxious, of what will happen then. No, please don't reccurence again. No, I don't want to ruin his day, our first day, no, I can't, I have to hold this.

I get off from his lap, and then sit.

"You ok?" He asked, worriedly, because I took a lot of deep breaths.

"Yeah, I'm ok, don't worry."

"Let's go. It's already dark." He pulls both of my hands. And back on assume me.

"If you're tired just get me down." I said, my chest is still stuffy.

"Ok." We kept walking to the place we put our stuffs there. I rest my head on his shoulder, and watching the night waves. The wind makes me cold.

"Ouch!" He screamed and then we fell down. Ed stepped on a small sharp rock. His foot bleeding.

"I'm sorry Alice you ok? I'm so sorry, I-"

"I should ask you that! You ok? Your foot? Uh I, I don't have anything to cover it, I, uh," "what should I do" I said with a small voice. I looked around the beach, and think hard, what thing I can use to cover his foot. My t-shirt? Nope. Rip my t-shirt?

When I was about to rip my t-shirt, Ed stopped me.

"What are you doing?! No, don't your t-shirt, I'm ok, now let's go. You're tired let's go home." He held my hand, but now he's not assume me. I know, that would just hurt himself even more.

"But your foot-"

"At least I'll wear my shoes right?" He looked at me, smiling. "Chill out." He punched my arm slowly, he still can do this in the situation like this? He's so calm, though it's bad for him, he can lose a lot of bloods if it's keep dripping.

"What if you lose a lot of bloods and then you die?!" I said, I rip off the buttom of my shirt, no doubt.

"Nope-! Ok," I tied it up around his foot, I don't mind to do this.

He opening his jacker zipper, and took it off from his body.

"Here." He gives me his jacket. I keep looking at his jacket he gave to me. I can't say anything, I don't know why. Speechless.

"But uh, it's ok Ed,"

"Don't be hesitate. Take it, you can return it anytime." I give in, I took his jacket he held for me. I wear it. Even the jacket is too big for me, I don't really care. I love wearing over-sized jackets or hoodies. Just like my favorite hoodie, that was over-sized. I can smell his jacket, it's so him. I hold the end of the arm, and show it to him,

"How was it?" I asked, while walking back to pack up our stuffs and then go home.

"Good good, like usual," He stopped, "I mean, I've ever saw you wear over-sized jackets or hoodies and you look cute with it." He smiled, looking to the coconut trees on the right side of him. I can see his face turned like the color of his hair. Cute. That's what he said to me. I blushed, like him.

"You look ok too with your jackets. I mean, that's already your style and it really fits on you!" I try to dilute the situation.

* * *

"You want me to walk you home? We can catch a taxi." He asked me, while we're just get off from the bus. I looked at my watch, it says 8:30pm.

"I can go home by myself. It's ok." I said, looking for a cab.

"But it's already 8:30."

"Only." I assert. He just laughed. The cab comes.

"Ok, then, be careful." And then he gave me a small kiss on the lips. "Thank you." He said with a smile on his face when I get in to the cab.

"No, thank you." I opened the window.

He waves his hand to me, I waved back. Slowly he's getting smaller and smaller until he walked away.

The real journey starts from now.

I'm not really confidence about this one. I'M READING THE HUNGER GAMES NOVELS NOW WHERE IT SO DIFFERENT WITH FANFICTIONS. I've try my best so yeah.

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