26. Him

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- Ed's Point of View -

Only 8 days left with her, after that I have to hold my desire to see her, to meet her, to cuddle her, and everything. I just want to get used to it when Alice went to uni and I'm on August tour around England, so I won't be that in misery that time. Maybe that's a stupid idea, because I will just make everything worse. But I'm going to call or facetime her as many time as I can so we still can connecting, and not become strangers just because long time no talk, or meet.

My phone buzzed, and it was from Alice, "Morning Ed." She said on the text. She greets me earlier this time, so rarely. And why did she even call me 'Ed' on the text this time? She used to call me 'Sleepyhead' in the morning like this.

"Morning Alice. So, wanna go somewhere? Only 8 days left. Day off today x" Sent. But this time she replies my text so long. What was she thinking?

"I'm going to US today. My grandma's dying. Will be back in about 5-7 days. I promise I will hang out with you on our last day, before we temporarily split up. I'm really sorry :("

Oh God why is this earlier?! I haven't prepare for this!

"I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope she's okay. That's okay Alice, at least we still have one day left innit?"

"Yeah. Can we meet up somewhere before I go?"

"I'll meet you at the airport."

* * *

"Alice!" I shouted as I found her at a video games store with their family, seeing his brother busy picking which video game he wants to buy in the store. She instantly looking for me,

"Ed!" She shouted back as she found me. Her parents and also her brother looked at me, seeing her hugging me. I just threw them a 'hi' gaze.

"Hello Mr and Mrs. Bailey." I greeted, shook her dad's hand and hugged her mom. And did our shake hands thing with Alex.

"I'm so sorry to hear about her. I hope she's okay." I said to her parents before to split up with them.

"Why thank you Ed. You are such a nice guy, Alice really deserve you." Said her mother.

"Why thank you Mrs. Bailey."

"Ed, let's just go." She whispered right onto my ear, I nodded. "Mom, we'll walk around the airport. Call or text me when I have to go back." She said to them, holding my hands and turned around.

"Okay! Be careful you two!" And then we left them.

"My mom is talking too much. I'm sorry, she's just really loved you I can tell." She laughed, our hands still sticked.

"Haha, that's fine. I love her too. She's really mother-ish." I did the throw-head-back-laughing. "Where do you want to stay?" I asked, smiling. I'm just really happy right now, to be with her, just both of us, only surrounded by strangers or tourists, so they obviously doesn't know us.

"There's a small cafe around here. Let's just go there."

As we get to the cafe Alice told me, we placed a table that is placed on the corner of the room. I know exactly her favorite place to sit on cafes.

We talked about stuff while waiting for our drinks and snacks to come, until it went serious,

"I'm scared our relationship will break while we split up."

"As long as you believe in yourself not to screw up our relationship, it'll be fine." I said, calmly. While that was actually what I'm worrying about. I already believe to myself that I won't screw up my relationship with her, but I don't know hers. The way she suddenly told me to search for some air at Starbucks a while ago literally made me curious. First she was looked to the back, goes panic and then left the cafe with me. I don't know, I found that weird. "Have you?" I looked at her that was staring at her coffee.



"Y.. Yes." She sighed. I really do know there's something behind this, and I really do want to figure this out. But without her knowledge.

"That's good. The promise is now in your hand. If you break it, our relationship will like what you did." I smiled at her. I can see she's a little bit teared up, "no! No! Don't cry. I'm just kidding. I don't want you to take this too serious. We will be okay. I promise. As long as we believe to each other." I said, gave her a small kiss on the lips.

"Damn you." She punched my arm gently. Her face now is so red.

"Your face is like my hair color now." I burst out of laugh.

"Stop it! People are staring us." She covered my mouth as she looked around. I took her hands off,

"I don't care." I grinned.

"Can you please stop with those grins." She drank her coffee.

"I won't." I followed her.

And now we're just talking about other stuff, because we've deal to stop thinking about what will happen to us next month and just having fun with it. But she kept playing her phone while I'm making jokes to her, and she seems so happy with it, she's even ignored my jokes. She kept smiling and covering her mouth or even giggle to the screen. I wonder who's behind the screen.

"I'm happy seeing you happy like that." I grin, again. But she didn't noticed, still busy typing on the screen and smiling. Okay, this made me sick. "Alice? Are you listening to me?" I asked, a little bit louder. "Alice? What are you actually doing?" I asked again, still no answer. This is getting serious. "Alice, please stop." I putted her phone down to her thighs. "I don't care who are you texting to, but I'm talking to you. Please at least notice me or something, don't ignore me this long just because of that shit." I leaned backward against the back of the chair, sighed.

"I'm sorry, Ed, it's just-"

"It's okay." I slurped my coffee, not even looking at her. I've tried my best to pay her attention, but I'm just so pissed right now. If the person she was texting was the part of her family, she would tell me, but she doesn't even tell me who's the person. I'm getting worried about this one.

"Ed, are you mad?"

"Of course not." I pinched her cheek. "We should go to your family now. Don't wait for your mom to call you, be a good girl." I laughed, pulled her hand.

We both walked to the place her family at in silence, but I still held her hand, I just really don't want to take it off, and just ask her who's the person behind her smile while we're at that cafe, and solve the problem. I should ask this, but this is just not the right time. We will split up for about 5-7 days, if we talk about this right now it will just make everything worse. We'll be in long-distance-relationship right now. And it's hard.

"Ed," she said my name.

"Alice," I replied, giggled.

"Just tell me if you mad or something. And I'm really sorry about that, it's just him that..-" that was the moment right after she said 'him' --made my eyes open wider. "I mean, I-" she's getting panic.

"Isn't that your family?" I asked, changing the topic. I really don't want to talk about this right now. I just want to go home, fogetting for all that just happened.

"Yeah.. So.. You're going home right now?" She asked back. I can hear her phone kept ringing, and I know that tone, that is text message ringtone, average tone for iPhone's text message--because mine was like that too--.

"Yeah, nothing else to do. Promise me to hang out on our last day before we temorarily split up?" I don't know what makes her answer that long.


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